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2020/03/30 23:06:47

New IP (Internet protocol)

2020: Announcement

At the end of March, 2020 China submitted to the International Telecommunication Union (International Telecommunication Union, ITU) the new Internet protocol which, according to his creators, has a set of advantages. However the standard opens to the authorities more opportunities for total censorship in network.

The protocol received the name New IP and is designed to replace outdated TCP/IP. It is presented by Huawei company and telecommunication operators from Celestial Empire, transfers the Financial Times edition with reference to presentation materials.

China submitted to the International Telecommunication Union (International Telecommunication Union, ITU) the new Internet protocol which, according to his creators, has a set of advantages

According to in the Chinese company, New IP provides effective addressing and network management, than the existing TCP/IP standard. At the same time the protocol assumes use of cookie-files which will allow authoritative to set the mode control of Internet users.

In particular, the protocol has "a shutdown command", allowing to remove data which arriving to a certain address or from it from the central network.

There are also concerns that New IP will demand authentication and authorization not only the new Internet addresses, but also the related people and the sent data packets. China urged to provide communication between Internet users and real names long ago. The new technology just assumes implementation of communication between people and their Internet connections. Huawei notes only positive sides of the developed protocol:

New IP is the purpose to provide new solutions in the field of technologies of Internet protocols which will be able to support future technologies of "all Internet" (Internet of Everything), holographic communications and telemedicine. Researches and innovations in the field of New IP are opened for scientists and engineers from around the world that they could participate in them and make the[1].