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2017/04/11 17:51:43

Oncological IT systems (world market)


2017: Data of Transparency Market Research

In April, 2017 the Transparency Market Research analytical company published a research of the world market of the information systems used in oncology.

According to the experts, demand for oncological IT systems increases in process of development and implementation of technologies, improvement of infrastructure of health care in developing countries, growth of prevalence a metastasis as a result of oncological diseases and the general increase in number of cancer patients.

The software of Elekta company for the oncological centers

The systems of information support using modern computer aids find the increasing application in the different industries of medicine and health care. The oncological service is not an exception. However there is no system approach or uniform ideology in informatization of oncological service.

Need of development of system information support of medical technologies is obvious. All questions of management, resource providing, examination should be solved on the basis of information reflected in medical technology process. Informatization and a computerization of medical technologies in some cases assumes basic change of technology of work of the doctor with the patient, algorithms, techniques of collecting, information processing and adoption of managing solutions, the study says.

The largest developers of oncological IT systems analysts call the following companies:

In terms of products the market of oncological IT systems in Transparency Market Research is divided into information solutions for patients and a system for planning of treatment, the solution for optimization, implementation, support and service.[1]

Шаблон:Subject Medicine
