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2018/02/28 22:08:32



2018: after 40 years pulse slows down, and female hearts fight more often than men's

In February, 2018 the producer of fitness trackers and the Fitbit smartwatch published statistics about heartbeat of 4 million users worldwide from July, 2016th in December 2017. The data collected by the company confirm that after 40 years the heart rate (HR) at rest falls and that female hearts fight more often than men's. Also specialists found out, users have Fitbit in what countries the lowest and high pulse at rest.

Data analysis of Fitbit about ChSS at rest by gender and age

The PurePulse system for tracking pulse which is available for such models as Fitbit Alta HR, Fitbit Charge 2, Fitbit Blaze and Fitbit Ionic helps to learn more more about work of the heart and to be convinced that their ChSS at rest meets standard. According to the data of the American cardiological association (American Heart Association) normal for adults pulse at rest from 60 to 100 beats per minute is considered. According to physicians, lower ChSS can speak about effective work of heart and health of a cardiovascular system.

Statistics collected by Fitbit showed that at the women using its devices, pulse at rest is on average about 3 beats per minute higher, than at men. Also it became clear that among all users of Fitbit the highest indicators of ChSS are registered at women aged from 40 up to 49 years - on average 67.4 beats per minute. For comparison, at male users of the same age pulse is on average equal in rest 64.6 beats per minute. Besides, measurements of Fitbit revealed a downward tendency of ChSS at rest after 40 years at of both sexes.

Data analysis of Fitbit about ChSS at rest by the countries

Also Fitbit analyzed and compared indicators of ChSS at rest at users from 15 countries of the world, including Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, the USA, and Great Britain. The highest rates of ChSS - at users from the USA and Singapore - on average 65.9 beats per minute, and the lowest - at Italians (61.8 beats per minute).[1]
