Qzone is the Chinese social network. In March, 2009 in Qzone 376 million people are registered, TechCrunch reports. For comparison, in the world 175 million people use social network Facebook.
In China the audience of Facebook is one hundred times less, than Qzone has one and a half million people. On social network MySpace there are six million Chinese users.
The Chinese versions of social networks MySpace and Facebook opened in 2007 and in 2008 respectively. The administration of MySpace calculated that by 2009 the audience of the Chinese version of MySpace will make 50 million people.
Let's note that from 19 most popular social networks of China 15 are local projects. In addition to Qzone, the five of the most popular social networks of China includes 51, Baidu, Xiaonei and Baidu Kongjian. On them 130, 110, 40 and 27.5 million people respectively are registered.