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2018: Five councils for implementation of ERP systems from Panorama Consulting Group
In January, 2018 the consulting company Panorama Consulting Solutions made five main councils for successful implementation of schedule systems of resources of the enterprise (ERP).
According to analysts, 2018 opens new opportunities for development and implementation digital and ERP strategy in the organization. On what a stage of implementation of ERP or digital transformation there was no company, it is always possible to find several methods for risk reduction in projects and increases in probability of success.
1. Learn about the best practical results of software implementation of ERP
The most dangerous projects are in what the companies are insufficiently knowledgeable about risks, problems and advanced methods of implementation of ERP systems. Panorama Consulting Solutions pays attention to existence of a number of free resources which teach representatives of business by the best digital and to ERP experts. For example, in Panorama Consulting Solutions a week series of the hours-long webinars devoted to training in different questions – from digital strategy before implementation and management of organizational changes is offered.
2. Control rates of project implementation
At implementation of ERP systems in the large companies different completions often are required. It is clear, but it is more important to be convinced of existence of the precise plan, the correct resources, clear controls by the project and other critical important solutions, analysts note. They recommend not to hurry with accomplishment of tasks (but also not to hesitate too strongly) within the ERP project and to select stable rates at its implementation because it allows to save time and money in the long term. It is important to achieve full control in the course of IT conversions, and haste to anything here.
3. Invest in personnel resources of digital strategy
Panorama Consulting Solutions notes that the main reasons of errors in digital transformation and work of ERP systems consist not in technologies, and in people. Despite importance of management of organizational changes, many do not understand that this term means or how effectively to use it in the company. Those organizations and the enterprises which spend money for the correct strategy of transformation more likely will succeed in business in comparison with those who prefer to abstain from such expenses. Such strategy includes training, communications, impact assessment of changes and organizational readiness and also a set of other tactical moves which do not require big investments.
4. You are skeptical about agiotage trends in the industry
Messages from ERP vendors, sellers and analysts who are based on prejudices with economic incentives force us to believe that local solutions are dead, and ERP systems are simple problem solving of the company and help them to implement technologies without big time expenditure, risk and efforts. It's not true. Remember that a lot of things in the market are subjective, and it is worth being skeptical about many messages, said in the report of Panorama Consulting Solutions. |
5. Be not afraid to involve independent ERP experts and resources on the party
One of the best methods to follow the fourth point consists in involvement of independent consultants for ERP. The companies need someone who will protect interests by drawing up strategy, assessment of a possibility of potentially working systems, their implementation or permission of unclear questions in implementation process of projects. Representatives of software selling companies or producers should not be such assistants, experts of Panorama Consulting Solutions note.[1]