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2024/09/27 17:32:10

Register of persons engaged in digital currency mining

Main article: Cryptocurrency mining in Russia

2024: Tasks to create a register are assigned to the Federal Tax Service

The tasks of creating and maintaining a register of miners are assigned to the Federal Tax Service (FTS) of Russia. This was announced on September 27, 2024 by the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy Anton Gorelkin.

In accordance with the law on the legalization of mining in Russia, which comes into force on November 1, 2024, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who are in a special "register of persons who mine digital currency" will be able to mine cryptocurrency. It was assumed that the Ministry of Digital Development would keep this register, but the authorities decided to assign the relevant duties to the tax department.

FTS creates a register of miners in Russia

It was decided that the register of miners will be developed and maintained by the Federal Tax Service. This is the right and logical step, since the Federal Tax Service is one of our most high-tech departments. And the department has much more experience working with the cryptocurrency market, as well as with miners than the Ministry of Digital Development, "Gorelkin wrote in his Telegram channel.

Mining is allowed to individuals without inclusion in the register - subject to compliance with energy consumption limits established by the Government of the Russian Federation. As Deputy Finance Minister Ivan Chebeskov noted, if a person works within the limits of individual electricity consumption, then no registration will be required. Exceeding the established standards implies inclusion in the register and payment of taxes. Otherwise, such activities will be declared illegal. According to Chebeskov, amendments to the legislation on liability are being prepared depending on the level of violations.

But I want to emphasize: the task is not to punish someone, but to give the opportunity to engage in mining legally. If there is no desire to act within the framework of the law, then responsibility will come, - said Chebeskov.[1]
