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2017/04/07 12:52:18

Registration of domains (market of Russia)

In this article the overview of the market of services in registration of Internet domains is provided in Russia. Domains.RU (domain). SU (domain). Russian Federation (domain). RUS (domain)



The separate article is devoted to development of each of the Russian domain zones on TAdviser:

2019: 49 registrars in domains. RU and. Russian Federation

In domains . RU also . RUSSIAN FEDERATION there underwent accreditation the registrar Klondike Group from Moscow representing the agency market of digital-communications Russia. Thus, now in zones. RU and. The Russian Federation accredits 49 registrars. On July 25, 2019 reported about it century Coordination center of domains. RU/.RF. In more detail here.

2018: 46 registrars registered 1.4 million domains

Director of the Coordination center of domains. RU/.RF Andriy Vorobyov told in December, 2018 about how the situation in the domain industry is. In the largest national domain. RU is more than 5 million domain names, in. The Russian Federation – more than 800 thousand. Since the beginning of 2018 in two the Russian domains more than 1.4 million domain names are registered, 46 accredited registrars are engaged in it.

It is interesting that for 2018 the share of the domain names registered by Russians in new top-level domains was significantly reduced. If in 2017 such domain names there were 5.7% of all registered in Russia, then in 2018 their share makes only 0.4%. The share of national domains among all names which are used in Russia in a year increased from 78.3% to 80.9%.

"In spite of the fact that country domains around the world now show very contained growth or even falling, the Russian national domains. RU and. The Russian Federation was saved by the positions in the world rankings, taking the fifth place by quantity of the registered domain names among all national top-level domains. Besides, the share of registration by Russians of names in national domains grew. RU and. Russian Federation: in 2018 it makes 80.9% that on 2.6 percent points above, than was at the end of 2017. It means that the Russian national domains are still in deserved demand and trust for the Russian users", – Andriy Vorobyov told.


There began work the reserve register of national domains

The reserve register of national Russian domains developed by MSK-IX and the Coordination center of domains. RU/.RF began the work on September 1. The reserve register reduces effects of risks for stability and security of a domain name system in case of refusal in work of the main register of domains. RU and. The Russian Federation also allows to save the copy of the file of a zone. RU and. The Russian Federation in any critical situation.

Domains in the zones.Ru and. The Russian Federation sharply rose in price

Coordination center of the national domain of the Internet (CC), regulator of the domain zones.Ru and. The Russian Federation, made the decision on increase in selling prices of domains in these zones. The cost of one domain will increase from 70 rub a year up to 120 rub a year. It is about the price for registrars of domains.

The proposal on increase in prices for domains was made by the director of CC Andriy Vorobyov. It put the new prices in the draft budget of the organization for 2017 Council this budget claimed.

The CC reminded that the cost of registration of domains in the zone.Ru did not increase since 2007. And in a zone. The present price was recorded by the Russian Federation from the moment of the beginning of work of a zone in 2011. The issue of increase in the current prices was discussed since 2012 and should not have become surprise, are sure of CC.

Administrator of the domain zones.Ru. The Russian Federation and.Su is the Technical Center of the Internet (TCI) - "subsidiary" of CC. This organization receives means from registrars for registration of domains. For end users of the price registrars set, they are in range of 500-900 rub a year[1].

In CC consider that advance in price will give the chance to improve operating conditions of registrars and to carry out massive marketing programs for promotion of the Russian national domains. RU and. The Russian Federation to upgrade technical infrastructure and to develop a recording system.

2015: Annual report of CC on domain space

The next release of the annual report of the Coordination center of domains is published . RU/.RF "Russian domain space of 2015: results and perspectives of development". The most important and interesting events which were taking place in 2015 in the Russian and world domain industry are reflected in the report, detailed information on development of the domain market is provided.

2014: Jump in prices of services of foreign registrars

For 2014 in a domain zone. RU occurred a number of changes and one of noticeable trends - reduction of a share of the foreign companies in a segment a hosting services. So, according to statistical service, the total number of the domains serviced at the German provider Hetzner decreased by 8%, and at the Dutch LeaseWeb - more than for 30%. First of all, such decrease turned out to be consequence of change in the exchange rate of national Russian currency at which the cost of services of foreign providers sharply increased. Besides, in the current international situation of the organization, working at the territory of Russia, even more often began to select domestic suppliers a hosting services as the stablest and safe. Change of the user preferences allowed the domestic companies to strengthen the positions, in particular, of REG.RU which on for 2015 is the largest Russian hosting provider in a zone. RU and among top-20 players of the market occupies a share more than 10%.

According to data of service of statistics of Statdom, the largest number of administrators, after Russia, is in Ukraine, Belarus, Germany and the USA. Nevertheless, for 2014 quantity of the addresses registered in America in a zone. RU decreased on a third – from 18 to nearly 12 thousand. Among Russian regions on number of the registered domains Moscow, the Moscow region and St. Petersburg traditionally are in the lead, and Sverdlovsk region and Krasnodar Krai close top five.

Number of the registered domains in a zone. RU reached nearly 5 million, from them 3.6 million are the addresses of the operating websites or aliasa, i.e. the backups addresses.

Gradually in a zone. RU IPv6 protocol gains distribution - for 2014 the number of the domains using only IPv6 increased more than by 8 times – from 87 to 755. Nevertheless, 90% of the addresses in a zone. RU continue to be located on IPv4 and a little more than 9% use in parallel two stacks of protocols - IPv6 and IPv4.

2012: The volume of the domain market is 2.18 billion rub

According to the research "Economy of Runet of 2012-2013" conducted by RAEC and Higher School of Economics National Research University the volume of the domain market: 2.18 billion rubles.

The coordination center of the national domain of the Internet summed up the results of 2012 in the field of development of Network in Russia. The organization is responsible for development of two geographical zones —. SU and. RU and also one national —. The Russian Federation which in total contain more than 5 million domains. From them 4.27 million are registered in a zone. RU and 780 thousand more are century of the Russian Federation.

At the end of 2012 the domain Ru fell from the fourth by the sixth place in the rating of national domains of the world.

At the same time growth of number of domains in a zone. RU proceeds while the domain name.rf was even a little reduced — in dive 937 thousand domains were registered. It is connected with the fact that the agiotage around a national zone passed and the domains registered for the future are not used.

"We will continue to clean the domain name.rf from not used domains so further perhaps small decrease in their number — Andrey Kolesnikov, the head of the Coordination center noted. — Let's note that the share of the used domains in this zone continues to increase".

The share of the used domains in the domain name.rf in 2012 increased up to 75% (in the 2011th it was at the level of 70%). In a zone. RU this share makes 91%.

About 40% of domain names are registered by residents of two capitals.

For the end of 2012 from the European domain zones the is overtaken by only the (5.1 million), the (10.3 million) and the (15.3 million). At the same time the became the leader in growth rates among the European domains and took the third place on this indicator in the world – the gain made 17.9%. Quicker only the Chinese national domain and the belonging to the archipelago of Takelau in which growth was 116% thanks to free registration grow.

By quantity of the registered domain names the takes the 10th place in the world. In addition to three European it is overtaken by already mentioned (7.5 million) (14.5 million) and the "international".com,.net,.org, and last in a year "contracted" for 9% - up to 7.5 million. The where for the end of 2012 was registered as the registered 106.4 million domains of the second level remains the traditional leader.


5 registrars control 90% of the market

At the end of 2011 90.2% of the registered domain names in the domain were the share of the first five of the largest registrars. RU and 87.7% of the registered domain names in the domain. Russian Federation. In comparison with 2010 the picture practically did not change also to small registrars still not easy to compete with "giants" of the domain market. The market leader lowered the share a little, but at the same time the share of the second in value registrar continues to increase.

Image:Доли регистраторов доменов в России на 31 декабря 2011.jpg

As of December 31, 2011 in the domain. RU is accredited 26 registrars, in the domain. The Russian Federation – 24 registrars.

In 2011 accreditation of 3 registrars was stopped: ANO Regional Network Information Center and JSC Comstar-United Telesystems in connection with liquidation of the legal entity, Net LLC – in a voluntary order in connection with impossibility to continue to perform these functions.

The coordination center according to the operating procedures accepted support of data on the domain names registered earlier in Net LLC and conducts work on transfer of support of data on these domain names to other accredited registrars on the basis of requests of administrators. Also for 2011 in domains. RU and. The Russian Federation underwent accreditation of 3 new registrars: Registr 1 LLC, Objedinennye domennye imena LLC and Perspektiva LLC.

In July, 2011 in Irkutsk the pilot regional seminar "Domain space of Russia and new opportunities of your business" aimed at expansion of use of national domains of the Russian Federation was held (. RU and. The Russian Federation) for the benefit of the Russian Internet community and involvement of the regional companies to accreditation as registrars of domain names.

At the end of 2011 90.2% of the registered domain names in the domain were the share of the first five of the largest registrars. RU and 87.7% of the registered domain names in the domain. Russian Federation. In comparison with 2010 the picture practically did not change also to small registrars still not easy to compete with "giants" of the domain market. The market leader lowered the share a little, but at the same time the share of the second in value registrar continues to increase.

Image:Доли регистраторов доменов в России на 31 декабря 2011.jpg
  • For September 21, 2011: in a zone. RU of only 3,499,755 domains, in a zone. Russian Federation of domains 895 711. Domain. The Russian Federation holds the 15th place of rating of national top-level domains of Europe (the first place at the domain of Germany).

Image:Домены относящиеся к РФ октябрь 2011.JPG
Image:Число доменов к населению некоторых стран 2011.JPG
  • In comparison with the first quarter 2010 in the first quarter 2011 the Russian domain space increased by 1.5 times. It occurred due to rapid growth of registration of domain names in the new Cyrillic domain. Russian Federation. Total number of domain names in the Russian national domains. RU and. The Russian Federation according to the results of March, 2011 was made by more than 4 million.

Emergence of the megaregistrar: RBC was purchased by Ru-Center

On March 17, 2011 it became known that in the market of registration of domains in Russia there was an undisputed leader: the Hosting Community company entering into group of RBC buys the Ru-Center group. The deal was going to be closed until the end of 2011, but it happened only in June, 2012.

On April 7, 1994 - the first record about the

The international Day of the Internet was tried to be entered several times into different dates, but any of them did not become traditional. In Russia date got accustomed on September 30. And all began with the fact that in 1998 the Moscow firm "IT Infoart Stars" sent to firms and the organizations the offer to support the initiative consisting of two points: appoint on September 30 in Afternoon, annually to celebrate it and conduct "a population census of the Russian-language Internet". At that time the number of users reached 1 million human. Besides, some consider Day of Runet 7 Opel as this day 1994 in the international database of national top-level domains record about the appeared. In 1998 the World day of the Internet is authorized by the Father John Paul II. The patron saint of the Internet is still not approved officially though since 2000 temporary strings of Network are pulled by St Isidore of Seville, the Spanish bishop living in 560-636 years. He is considered the first Encyclopaedist who had a considerable impact on history of the Middle Ages. Therefore in many countries of the world the holiday of Network is celebrated on April 4 — in day of rise of Saint St Isidore of Seville. In many countries there are also national Days of the Internet. Usually they are dated for some events connected with introduction of the Internet in this country. Besides, on January 27 the international community celebrates "The international day of BEZ of the Internet". The organizer of this holiday are the enthusiasts worldwide who are carrying out the ideas through on-line community "Do Be".

On April 7, 1994 start of the first Russian domain took place, and by this moment he managed to overcome a boundary of 3,000,000 registered names and to enter in TOP-10 the largest national zones of the world. The domain takes the firm sixth place by the number of the registered domains today, conceding (Germany),.uk (Great Britain),.cn (China),.nl (Netherlands) (European Union).

See Also

Registration of domains (world market)