Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2
2012/02/13 11:07:37

Rules of Russian (instruction)



Numbers, signs, reductions

1. Centuries are designated by the Roman digits.

2. The offer does not begin with digits.

3. Signs No., % of number spaces do not beat off.

4. Accretion (an alphabetic case ending) is used in record of ordinal numerals: pupil of the 11th class; the 1st car from the center; the 5th level of complexity; take the 2nd and 3rd places; in the early nineties. Accretion should be single-letter if the last letter of a numeral is preceded by a vowel: the 5th (fifth, fifth), the 5th (fifth), and two-letter if the last letter of a numeral is preceded by concordant: to the 5th, 5th.

5. The international standard of designation of time accepted and in Russia – through a colon: 18:00.

6. For designation of large numbers (thousands, millions, billions) combinations of digits to reduction of one thousand, one million, one billion, but not digit to a large number of zero are used.

7. After reductions of MLN and MLRD the end is not put, and after THOUSAND – is put.

8. The word university is written with small letters.

9. In some abbreviations both big, and small letters are used if the single-letter union or a pretext is their part. E.g.: The Labour Code is the Labour Code; MiG — Mikoyan and Gurevich (the brand of the airplane).

Place names

1. Instead of Chechnya "The Chechen republic" is written.

2. The Republic of Tyva option is stated in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

3. It is correct to write Sharm el-Sheikh.

4. It is correct to write the Gaza Strip.

5. It is used only "from Ukraine / to Ukraine".

6. It is more preferable to use options "the authorities of Estonia", "the universities of Europe", etc. instead of "the Estonian authorities", "the European universities".

7. That's right: in Nizhny Novgorod, in the city of Moscow, in St. Petersburg, in the city of Vladivostok, in Vidnoye, from Vidnoye, but: in the city of Vidnoye, from the city of Vidnoye; in Velikiye Luki, but: in the city Velikiye Luki.

8. Toponyms of Slavic origin on - ov (o), - ev (o), - in (o), - yn (o) traditionally incline: in Ostankin, in Peredelkino, to Strogin, in Novokosin, from Lublin.

9. In the "Moskva River" name both parts incline: The Moskva River, the Moskva River, the Moskva River, the Moskva River, about the Moskva River.

Small / capital letters and quotes

1. Names of the highest electoral organizations of foreign countries are usually written in lower case. For example: riksdag, Knesset, U. S. Congress, Bundesrat, diet, etc.

2. The first word of electoral organizations of temporary or single character in historical literature is written with a capital letter. E.g.: Provisional government (1917 in Russia), the Estates General, the State Duma, the III Duma.

3. Articles, pretexts, particles of van and, das, del, the village, di, DOS, du, la, le, a background, etc. in the Western European surnames and names are written in lower case and separately from other components. E.g.: Ludwig van Beethoven, Leonardo da Vinci.

4. Components of the Arab, Turkic and other east personal names (aha, it is scarlet, al, are, the expert, ash, beat, bin, the back, Oglou, the shah, ale, etc.) are written, as a rule, in lower case and join a name through a hyphen. E.g.: Zayn is scarlet - Abidin, al-Dzhakhm, Haruna are Rasheed, Tursunzoda.

5. Light country names when they are used instead of geogr are written with a capital letter. names. E.g.: people of the East (i.e. east countries), Far East, countries of the West, Far North.

6. In names of the republics of the Russian Federation all words are written with a capital letter. E.g.: Altai Republic, Kabardino-Balkar Republic, Republic of North Ossetia.

7. In names of regions, areas, districts the generic or specific term is written in lower case, and the words designating the individual name — with big. E.g.: Primorsky Krai, Agin-Buryat Autonomous Okrug.

8. In names of groups, the unions and associations of the states of political character the first word and also own names is written with a capital letter. E.g.: Asia-Pacific council, European Economic Community (EEC), League of Arab States (LAS).

9. In names of the major international organizations all words, except office are written with a capital letter. E.g.: Red Cross and Red Crescent Society, United Nations (UN), UN Security Council.

10. In names of foreign news agencies all words, except patrimonial, are written with a capital letter, and the name is not quoted. E.g.: France Presse agency, Associated Press.

11. In own names of academies, research establishments, educational institutions only the first word (even if it is the patrimonial name or the name specifying specialty) and also own names entering the difficult name is written with a capital letter. E.g.: Russian Academy of Sciences, Military and air academy of Yu.A. Gagarin, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.

12. In names of spectacular organizations (theaters, the museums, parks, ensembles, choruses, etc.) only the first word and also own names entering the name is written with a capital letter. E.g.: Bolshoi Theatre, Central academic theater of the Russian army, Moscow State Conservatory of P.I. Tchaikovsky, State Armory.

13. Names of foreign firms, companies, concerns, banks, etc. transcribe the Russian letters and quote. In these names write the first word with a capital letter in quotes and own names. E.g.: companies "United Steyts Steel", "General Motors", concerns "Peugeot", "Rolls-Royce", Coca-cola company, United Fnut the Companies company. It is undesirable to print names of foreign firms in language them national. or state. accessories.

14. In names of firms, joint-stock companies, plants, factories, etc. with a code name in quotes the first of the words delivered in quotes, the patrimonial name and the name specifying specialization is written with a capital letter are written in lower case. E.g.: Red October confectionery, Russian Oil scientific and production firm, "Aeroflot-Russian International Airlines" joint-stock company.

15. The reduced names made of parts of words are written with a capital letter if single designate organizations, and from small if serve as names as patrimonial. They are not quoted. E.g.: Goznak, Vnesheconombank, but: special troops.

16. The names of firms, companies, banks, enterprises representing abridgements and abbreviations are not quoted if there is no patrimonial word: Lukoil, Gazprom, Russian Railway, NTV. In the presence of a patrimonial word the name written by Cyrillics is quoted: Lukoil company, JSC Gazprom, JSC "Russian Railways", NTV TV channel.

17. The first word and own names in complete official names of batches and movements are written with a capital letter. E.g.: All-Russian confederation of labor, Union of women of Russia, Democratic Party of Russia, Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

18. Names of unofficial character are written in lower case (including similar names of pre-revolutionary batches in Russia). E.g.: conservative party (in Great Britain, etc. the countries), a batch of Mensheviks, a batch of cadets.

19. Names of batches, movements of symbolical character quote, write the first word with a capital letter. E.g.: batch "National will", "Democratic choice of Russia", movement "Women of Russia", Islamic Taliban, Al-Qaeda.

20. Names of movements Fatah and HAMAS represent abbreviations therefore they are written with capital letters and are not quoted. These words incline!

21. The highest positions of the Russian Federation are written with a capital letter only in white papers (laws, decrees, diplomatic documents): President of the Russian Federation, Russian Prime Minister. In other cases – with small! E.g.: At a meeting there were a Russian President, the Chairman of the State Duma, ministers.

22. The highest honorary titles of the Russian Federation are written with a capital letter: Hero of the Russian Federation and also honorary titles of the former USSR: Hero of the Soviet Union, Hera of Socialist Work.

23. Other positions and ranks are always written in lower case: Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation, governor, mayor, marshal, general, Nobel Prize laureate.

24. Names the highest and other state. positions write in lower case. E.g.: emperor of Japan, queen of the Netherlands, president of the French Republic.

25. Names of the highest positions in the largest international organizations are written in lower case. E.g.: secretary general of League of Arab States, President of the Security Council of the UN.

26. In names of historical eras and periods, revolutions, revolts, the congresses, congresses write the first word and own names with a capital letter. E.g.: Renaissance, High Renaissance (also: Early, Late Renaissance), Renaissance, Middle Ages, Commune of Paris; Great October socialist revolution, Great French revolution, Copper revolt; All-Russian congress of Councils, Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation.

27. The names of historical eras, events, etc. which are not own names are written in lower case: classical antiquity, civil war (but as proper name: Civil war in Russia of 1918 — 1921), feudalism.

28. Centuries, cultures, the geological periods are written in lower case. E.g.: bronze age, Stone Age, Ice Age, Jurassic Period.

29. In names of the ancient states, principalities, empires, kingdoms write with a capital letter all words, except generic terms the principality, the empire, the kingdom, etc. E.g.: Eastern Roman Empire, Ancient Egypt, Kievan Rus', Russian land.

30. In names of significant dates, revolutionary holidays, large mass actions write the first word and own names with a capital letter. E.g.: The first of May, World day of aircraft and astronautics, Year of the child (1979), Constitution day of the Russian Federation, New year, Victory Day, Happy birthday.

31. In names of some political, cultural, sporting and other events having nation-wide or international value write the first word and own names with a capital letter. E.g.: The World Economic Forum, the March of the world, the World festival of youth and students, the Olympic Games., the World Cup on soccer, the Davis Cup.

32. In names with an initial ordinal numeral in a digital format the word following digit is written with a capital letter: On May 1, on March 8, the XI International contest of P.I. Tchaikovsky. If the numeral in a verbal form, then is only written with a capital letter it: The first of May, The Eighth of March.

33. That's right: "blue chips".

34. That's right: a round table (without quotes).


1. Are written with a capital letter the word God (in value of a uniform Supreme being) and names of gods in all religions. E.g.: Jehovah, Sabaoth, Yahweh, Jesus Christ, Allah, Brahma, names of pagan gods, e.g.: Perun, Zeus. Also own names of founders of religions are written. E.g.: Buddha, Muhammad (Magomet, Magomed), Zaratushtra (Zarathustra); apostles, prophets, Saints, e.g.: John the Forerunner, John the Evangelist, Georges the Victorious.

2. All names of persons by Svyata Troitsy (God Otets, God Syn, God Dukh Svyatoy) and the word Virgin and also all words which are used instead of the word God are written with a capital letter (e.g.: Lord, Christ Redeemer, Creator, God, Almighty) and words Virgin (e.g.: The queen Nebesnaya, Prechistaya the Maiden, Mother of God) and also the adjectives formed from the words God, Lord, e.g.: A Lord's will, on everything the God's will, the God's temple, the Divine Trinity, the Divine liturgy.

3. In the steady combinations which are used in informal conversation out of direct link with religion it is necessary to write god (and also the Lord) in lower case. E.g.: (not) God knows; god (Lord) knows it.

4. The words designating the concepts, major for orthodox tradition, are written with a capital letter. E.g.: Lord's cross, Last Judgement, Sacred Gifts.

5. The first word in names of different faiths is written with a capital letter. E.g.: Russian Orthodox Church, Roman Catholic Church, Armenian Apostolic Church.

6. In names of religious holidays write the first word and own names with a capital letter. E.g.: in Christianity: Christ's Easter, Christmas, Palm Sunday, Baptism of the Lord; in other religions: Eid al-Adha, Ramadan, Hanukkah.

7. Names of posts and weeks (weeks) are written with a capital letter: Lent, Fast of Peter and Paul, Bright Week, Holy week and also words Maslenitsa (Buttered week), Christmas-tide.

8. In names of bodies of church management the first word is written with a capital letter. E.g.: Sacred synod of Russian Orthodox Church, Hierarchal cathedral, Moscow patriarchy, Central Muslim Spiritual Board of Russia.

9. In names of ministries and positions all words, except office and pronouns, in official names of the highest religious officials are written with a capital letter. E.g.: Patriarch of Moscow and vseya Russia, Universal Constantinople Patriarch, Pope, but: During the conversation the president and the patriarch... Names of other ministries and positions are written in lower case. E.g.: Metropolitan of Volokolamsk and Yuryev, archbishop, cardinal, abbot, priest, deacon.

10. In names of churches, monasteries, icons all words, except patrimonial terms (church, the temple, cathedral, monastery, the monastery, seminary, an icon, an image) and a functional word are written with a capital letter. E.g.: Kazan Cathedral, Kiev Pechersk Lavra, temple of Conception of Just Anna, Cathedral of Christ the Saviour.

11. The titles of cult books are written with a capital letter. E.g.: Bible, Scripture, Gospel, Old Testament, Koran, Torah.

12. Names of church services and their parts are written in lower case. E.g.: liturgy, vespers, mass, religious procession, night service.


1. The first word and also proper names is written in the most important military names of the Russian Federation, types of troops from capital letter. E.g.: General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Strategic Missile Troops, Ground forces, Air Force.

2. In names of managements and divisions of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation the first word and also proper names is written with a capital letter. E.g.: Head operational management of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, General staff of Ground forces.

3. In the name of military districts and garrisons the first word is written with a capital letter. E.g.: Moscow Military District, North Caucasus Military District, Saratov garrison.

4. In own names of wars the first word and own names are written with a capital letter. E.g.: Balkan wars, Patriotic war of 1812, World War I, but: Great Patriotic War (traditional writing); Afghan war (1979 — 1989).

5. In names of fights, battles, the directions the first word (is written with a capital letter at hyphenated writing — both parts of the name). E.g.: Berlin direction, Borodino battle, 1st Ukrainian front, Southwest front.

6. In names of military units, connections own names are written with a capital letter. E.g.: Vyatka regiment, Baltic Fleet Decorated with the Order of the Red Banner, Siberian Cossack army, the 1st Cavalry.

7. In names of the awards which are not selected by quotes the first word, except a word an award is written with a capital letter. E.g.: Courage award, Order of Friendship, award of Patriotic war of the I degree, Order of Saint George. In names of awards and distinctions of the former USSR all words, except a word an award are written with a capital letter by tradition, e.g.: award of the Labour Red Banner, award of the October Revolution.

8. In the name of the awards, medals and distinctions selected by quotes write the first word of the name with a capital letter in quotes and proper names. E.g.: order "For Merit to the Fatherland", medal "In Commemoration of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow".

9. In names of awards the first word, except a word an award is written with a capital letter. E.g.: Nobel Prize, International award of the World, Grand Prix, but: the award "Golden Mask" (at the name in quotes).


1. In names of documents with the previous patrimonial word which is not included in the name, the patrimonial word is written in lower case, and the name is quoted and written with a capital letter. E.g.: decree of the Russian President "About Measures for Improvement of Public Finances", law "About Freedom of Worship and Religious Associations", Partnership for Peace program.

2. The name of documents without the previous patrimonial word (the charter, the instruction, etc.) standing out of the name can be not quoted and begun with capital letter. E.g.: Treaty of Versailles, Declaration of the UN, Constitution of the Russian Federation, Agreement on public consent, Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Declaration of the rights and freedoms of the person and citizen. If incomplete or inexact document title is given, then writing from a small letter is used, e.g.: At the regular meeting the Pensions Act was not approved.

3. In the titles of books, newspapers, magazines, etc. selected by quotes the first word and own names are written with a capital letter. E.g.: comedy "Woe from Wit", novel "War and Peace", "New World". The same rule belongs to foreign books, newspapers and magazines. E.g.: Al-Ahram, New York Times.

4. The names of TV channels which are not abbreviations are quoted: Russia, House. The names of TV channels which are abbreviations are quoted in the presence of a patrimonial word: NTV TV channel. If there is no patrimonial word, then writing without quotes is correct: NTV, TNT.

5. The foreign-language names of the organizations, organizations represented by abbreviations are not quoted: BBC, CNN.

6. The names of the organizations, organizations written by Latin are not quoted: Russia Today.


1. Conditional names of goods product, perfumery, etc. quote and write with a capital letter. E.g.: Russian cheese, Little Red Riding Hood candies, Inspiration chocolate.

2. Conditional names of types and plant varieties, vegetables are, etc. selected with quotes and written in lower case. E.g.: Victoria strawberry, apples "pepin Lithuanian", cucumbers "Golden Cockerel".

3. The commonly accepted names of plants are written in lower case without quotes. E.g.: aloe, Antonovka, white filling.


1. Conditional individual names are quoted and written with a capital letter. E.g.: the cruiser "Aurora", the Maxim Gorky airplane, a schooner "Running on waves".

2. Names of production brands of technical products (including machines) are quoted and written with a capital letter: cars "Moskvich-412", "Volga", "Volvo", airplanes "Boeing-707", "Ruslan". However names of these products (except the names matching own names - personal and geographical) are written in quotes in lower case, e.g.: "Cadillac", "Muscovite", "Toyota", but: Volga, Oka (match proper names therefore are written with a capital letter). Exceptions: "Zhiguli", "Mercedes" (match proper names, but are written from small).

3. Serial designations of machines in the form of the initial abbreviations which are combined with numbers or without registration number are written without quotes. E.g.: An-22, BelAZ, ZIL, GAZ-51, Il-18, KAMAZ, Tu-104, YAK-9, SU-30.

4. Conditional names of means of conquest of space quote and write with a capital letter. E.g.: Space-1443 artificial Earth satellite, East-2 spaceships, Endeavour shuttle, Mir Space Station.


1. At the beginning of the offer of ODNAKO of a comma it is not selected.

2. The dash is put before this, it is, it means, here, if the predicate joins by means of these words a subject.

3. In names of Simferopol routes – Yalta is required to a dash with spaces, quotes are not necessary. Conditional names of highways are quoted: Don highway.

4. In the complex unions the comma is put Once: or before all union, or in the middle: in order that, especially as. At the beginning of the offer the complex unions usually are not partitioned: To receive saplings, it is necessary to fill out the coupon and to send it to the address.

5. If the union of KAK matters "in quality", then before KAK the comma is not put. E.g.: I speak as the writer (as the writer).

6. The subordinative offer without the main thing is not used therefore it is impossible to break complex sentence a point. E.g., it is wrong: "The fire could not be put out. Because there was no helicopter".

7. The colon is put in a composite sentence if on site colons it is possible to squeeze words: that; namely; because, also saw/heard/felt that. About one I ask you (namely): shoot rather. I remember also (that): she liked to dress well.

8. The dash in a composite sentence is put if between parts it is possible to insert: union and, but or and, therefore, as if, it. Also the dash is put if before the first part it is possible to insert: when, if. Ignat pulled the trigger – (and) the gun misfired. I die – (therefore) I have nothing to lie. (When) Went here – the rye began to turn yellow. (If) there is a rain – there will be also fungi.


1. Pronouns you and yours are written with a capital letter as a form of the polite address to one person. E.g.: I ask You..., we Tell you... At the address to several persons these pronouns are written in lower case. E.g.: dear colleagues, your letter …

2." … for the amount of 50 rubles". The pretext In is not necessary!

3. That's right: transmission lines.

4. The unions AS WELL are written together TOO if they can be replaced with each other. If such replacement is impossible, then these are not the unions, but combinations of a demonstrative pronoun of TO or TAK with a particle which are written separately. The particle in that case can often just be lowered.

5. The pretext of NENESMOTRYA is written together: We went to a way, despite a rain.

6. It is undesirable to use collective numerals (two, three) with the words designating a kind of activity, a position or a rank. I.e. two presidents, three academicians are better to write (but not two presidents, three academicians).

7. That's right: include in the agenda, but be on the agenda[1].
