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2018/08/16 09:16:06

Software for data analysis in medicine (world market)


2017: Market size in $11.3 billion is ResearchAndMarkets

On August 15, 2018 the ResearchAndMarkets analytical company published some results of the research devoted to the market of analytical tools which are used in health care.

Sales of the corresponding software on a global scale at the end of 2017 reached $11.3 billion Software to forecasts of experts, the considered market during the period from 2017 to 2022 will increase in volume approximately by 24.8% annually and by the end of this interval of time $34.1 billion will be measured.

The market of software for data analysis in medicine was estimated at $11.3 billion

Depending on type of the used technologies medical analytical tools are descriptive, ordering and predictive. The most part (about 56%) of the market in 2016 fell on means of descriptive analysis, but the highest annual average growth rates during the period from 2017 to 2022 will be shown by a segment of predictive analytics.

Depending on scopes of medical analytical products researchers select four segments:

  • analysis of clinical data;
  • analysis of administrative and operational data;
  • analysis of financial information;
  • others (here the solutions used in researches and studying of prevalence of diseases among other things belong).

The most part of sales borrow means of the analysis of financial data which share in the total amount of the market reached about 69% at the end of 2016. The second place in popularity was taken by the products applied to information analysis of administrative and operational character.

If to speak about regions, then North America of which in 2016 about 61.2% of demand for medical analytical products were the share is in the lead.[1]

The largest software makers for data analysis in medical institutions in ResearchAndMarkets call the following companies:

Шаблон:Subject Medicine
