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2024/09/20 15:13:05

South-West Chord (Yekaterinburg-Krasnodar highway)


2024: Information on road construction. 1.7 trillion rubles will be spent on it

In September 2024, it became known that the construction of a new highway connecting Yekaterinburg with Krasnodar would require ₽1,7 trillion. The South-West Chord (South-West Chord) project will reduce travel time between these cities from 36 to 24 hours, providing more efficient transport links through key regions of the country. Construction will begin in the coming years, and the final cost of the project was calculated based on the prices of 2026-2030.

According to Kubanskie Novosti, the route will follow a route including Kazan, Tyumen, Togliatti, Saratov, Volgograd and Rostov-on-Don, adjacent to the Krasnodar bypass. The total length of the new road will be 1192 km. The main part of the chord will pass through the reconstructed sections of existing roads, however, a significant part of the route will be built from scratch to ensure seamless movement of transport.

A new highway will be built from Yekaterinburg to Krasnodar for 1.7 trillion rubles

Vyacheslav Petushenko, chairman of the board of the state company Avtodor, said that the project includes both transport and financial models that were developed to assess all costs and possible risks. According to calculations, the implementation of the South-West will require attracting about 500 billion ₽ of extra-budgetary investments. Petushenko noted that the financing of the project will be partially carried out at the expense of private funds, which will significantly speed up its implementation.

However, despite the development of design documentation, in the current plan of road activities of the government Russia until 2028, funds for the design of the route have not yet been laid. Nevertheless, according to experts, the South-West Agricultural Complex will become an important element of Russia's transport infrastructure, providing direct access from the central and northern regions of the country to southern transport hubs.[1]
