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2017/07/25 11:55:08

Standards of electronic health care (GOST) in Russia

The concept of standards includes qualifiers, nomenclatures, regulating documents, rules of information exchange in telemedicine, algorithms of functioning of the systems of adoption of medical solutions.

2017: The Sechenovsky university - base for development of TK-468 standards

In July, 2017 the Sechenovsky university was a part of participants of Technical committee on standardization "Informatization of health". Now on its base state standards in the field of electronic health care will be developed and implemented. It was said by the head of the department information and Internet technologies of the First MGMU of I.M. Sechenov Georgy Lebedev who headed Technical committee on standardization "Informatization of health" (TK-468) at the beginning of June, 2017.

The main objective of TK-468 is standardization in the field of informatization of health care, electronic health care and digital medicine. In an area of responsibility of structure – information and Internet technologies in medicine and also telemedicine. The committee intends to solve a problem of interoperability of medical information systems in Russia which, however, is relevant for many countries.

As Georgy Lebedev told, in the nearest future TK-468 intends to be engaged in formation of the program of national standartization in the field of health care, expertize of drafts of national and interstate standards will be carried out, afterwards its results will provide to Rosstandart, offers on application of the international and regional standards at the national and interstate levels are analyzed. In addition the committee will take part in work of Interstate technical committee on standardization, to carry out a regular inspection of the national and interstate standards operating in the Russian Federation and assigned to it for the purpose of detection of need of their updating or canceling and so forth.

Also within Committee based on Department information and Internet technologies of the Sechenovsky university subcommittee No. 3 "Semantic content in the medical information, analytical, intelligent, robotic and telemedicine systems, application of resources of the Internet in health care" is created. The sphere of its activity includes development of requirements to classifications in medical information systems, to information processing algorithms, regulating documents in the field of informatization of health care, to telemedicine, terminology resources, support systems of adoption of medical solutions, the systems of artificial intelligence, robotics, application of resources of the Internet.

"TK-468 is created for development of national standards (GOST) and standards of the organizations in the field of electronic health care, development and examination of regulating documents in this sphere. In this structure the Sechenovsky university will be engaged in normative providing medical information systems", – Georgy Lebedev explained.

Шаблон:Subject Medicine