In the Russian company "Forecsys", the developer of the analytical Goods4Cast platform, consider that "domestic developers have one important advantage — they understand specifics of the Russian market much better. However universal platforms of the western vendors have more extensive functionality and capability to scaling. Besides at implementation of such platforms the vendor offers not only software, but also extensive world experience of its successful application. This experience transformed to the methodology specialized under each industry is of the greatest interest to final customers, and it often lacks the Russian developers. As for perspectives of an entry into the world market, the easiest way — to learn to solve qualitatively narrow, but rather extended for some industry task, and then to propose its solution as a part of the module integrated into universal platforms".
Alexander Yefimov, the head of the systems of forecasting of Forecsys, claims: "what now occurs in the market of BI, demonstrates that this market is rather nedoosvoyen, than is oversaturated by a large number of the competing solutions. It is possible to tell that we work for market development of the systems of forecasting hand in hand with other developers, implementing a thought that such systems are necessary and useful in consciousness of potential customers. On the other hand, in comparison with the competing systems we have rather serious advantages – our system was developed under the Russian market while the western solutions are created taking into account specifics of the western markets which are at other maturity. Respectively, under our conditions it is easier for us to give correct and adequate forecasts. Also it is necessary to take into account also price factors, and proximity of office of development to the client.
We had an opportunity to compare our approach to forecasting to the western vendors, participating in different tenders and tenders. There were precedents when in comparison of forecast accuracy on real data on sales the solution on the Goods4Cast platform won a victory over solutions of the leading world IT companies".
Maxim Balash, the deputy CEO of the Russian company "Prognoz", the developer of the program and analytical complex of the same name, tells: "The Russian developers already have recognized achievements in the domestic market of BI. The main share of our clients historically is in Russia, but the last several years the company conducts vigorous foreign activity. Serious success in development of systems for clients in the USA, Europe, China, in the Middle East, in the CIS countries is achieved. Important competitive advantage of the Russian software developers - the high level of the knowledge-intensive developments in combination with ability to put into practice the most modern technologies for the solution of difficult applied tasks. Especially it concerns spheres of the business analysis and support of acceptance of management decisions.
Certainly, it is necessary to consider features of national economy in a current period of its development, including, variability of the Russian regulatory base which imposes the strengthened requirements to flexibility of software tools, their readiness for fast reconfiguration on new business rules and algorithms of solving of tasks. Such features are initially considered by the Russian developers at design and creation of the software".
Despite it, Maxim Andreyev, the head of business applications of Croc system integrator, does not notice among customers of great interest to Russian to developments: "I cannot tell that we feel significant presence in the market of the Russian developers of BI systems, we experience the competition in the tenders announced by customers. And the ratings of Gartner do not mention the Russian developers BI of systems while mention German, Australian, etc.".
The FORS group company in addition to universal BI platforms offers own developments. "In a basis of both those, and others technologies of Oracle which are tools, construction blocks using which we implement the software solutions corresponding to needs of the specific customer lie, - Tatyana Lyakisheva, the head of department of analytical technologies FORS group says. - The most part of our custom developments in a varying degree solves problems of analytics. For data warehouses it is, of course, the main objective. But also in the accounting systems, data collection systems in many cases analytical show-windows are under construction and/or means of the analytical reporting are implemented.
For example, our ready-made product is intended to ATIS for creation of automated systems of processing and the analysis of large volumes of statistical information. In spite of the fact that data collection and formation of documents are the main functional objectives, without analytical module it is impossible to imagine how and for what these documents will be used as a result. Analytical work is conducted using the interactive composer of tables in the Excel format. At the same time multilevel control of correctness and completeness of the arriving information is provided".