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2014/03/27 11:38:19

Vitaly Klyuev: Docsvision allowed us to make such EDMS which is necessary

Vitaly Klyuev, the project manager of Management of Network Complexes (USK LLC) company on system implementation of Docsvision told TAdviser about the first stage of creation of the electronic document management system (EDMS) at the enterprise and about how this platform allowed to implement that functionality which was necessary.

The overview of TAdviser Automation of power industry in Russia 2014

TAdviser: Tell, please, in what, in your opinion, specifics of document flow in such electric grid company how yours? What movement of documents outside and from the outside?

Vitaly Klyuev: "Management of network complexes" – the high-growth electric grid company in which much attention is paid to the organization of effective control of processes of technology accession. Feature of this type of processes is their big variability and, as a result, growth of number of different agreements in which USK acts both the customer, and the contractor. Therefore, specifics of document flow is need within business process of documentary maintenance of one technology accession, to create, process and control a significant amount of other documents connected with initial.

Thus, in processing of the request from the consumer in a system interrelations with the appearing documents including the adjacent organizations which are processed according to rather difficult independent scenarios are created.

Situation when implementation of technology accession initially does not require implementation of technical actions and it is necessary to collect and approve a document package, meets rather seldom and control of stages in this case does not make special work. However, at emergence of need of implementation of a number of technical actions, such as project and construction works, acquisition of the equipment, etc., controllability of the happening processes and an opportunity in the shortest possible time to obtain all necessary information on a specific object or a stage purchases special value.

Our organization used a progressive tense and uses at the moment the database which is specially developed for us on Java. Due to the development of the enterprise of its opportunity do not allow to satisfy requirements of the organization with required characteristics any more. With respect thereto the management made the decision to make process automation of information processing in the company at more serious and modern level. If to compare document flow flows, then internal and external its parts are approximately equal.

TAdviser: At what moment you understood that for workflow automation you need the specialized solution? How did it occur? Tell a little about IT systems which you used before implementation of EDMS?

Vitaly Klyuev: Significant growth in number of the signed agreements and volumes of construction of technical objects became a basic reason of this solution. Owing to what processing procedure of documents, control of stages of agreements, obtaining the information required in the shortest possible time noticeably became complicated. At the same time a possibility of both normal office products, and the customized applications used in the company were rather limited for satisfaction of our growing needs for automation.

TAdviser: What causes such growth?

Vitaly Klyuev: Good effective management, increase in efficiency and performance due to release of resources. It and heads who are not afraid to implement experience of the leading world companies. It and the professional employees worrying about the case and offering options of increase in efficiency of work. This understanding of need of effective processing of information flows of the organization and permanent training of employees. Why the company still grows? We proved as the supplier of high-quality services to consumers for a long time. According to the results of work in 2013 USK LLC was included into category "AAA" (the highest level of reliability) among the enterprises performing activities for ensuring operability of the electric networks in the territory of the Russian Federation and on the basis of it received the status award "Enterprise of Year 2013".

TAdviser: How many employees are involved in internal document flow?

Vitaly Klyuev: Within electronic document management we involve about 50 employees. The departments which are responsible for work with clients, for technology accession will be the main users of a product which we do. Special effect of use of the new database and its unique business logic as we hope, the staff of economical department as the specialists who are directly controlling all process steps will receive. We live in the legal framework of our state and are obliged to provide reports which preparation at the existing number of the traced agreements very a trudozatratna in regulating authorities. For this purpose we work on automation of reports on a form which will allow to transfer most conveniently data from our report to the form approved legislatively with the minimum costs of working time.

TAdviser: What platforms did you consider as a basis for future EDMS and why stopped the choice on Docsvision?

Vitaly Klyuev: We considered a large number of alternative software products. Taking into account the positive recommendations of colleagues and also a possibility of creation of unique specialized industry solution, as the platform for automation we selected Docsvision.

We consider main advantage of this system its flexibility allowing to implement the project exactly as it is necessary for us, most precisely to describe processes and it is most qualitative and convenient to display them for the end user and also to approve with programs of accounting.

It is the unique project and an interesting author's product having big variability of modifications. I hope that it will enjoy popularity. Similar does not exist yet, and in it we were interested in the Docsvision system: a possibility of creation of the system allowing to control as much as possible production processes.

TAdviser: Whether there was a functionality of the platform sufficient for implementation of your idea whether were required during the project any completions?

Vitaly Klyuev: At the moment only the first stage of automation ended. At the same time already implemented functionality meets many delivered requirements. As we create specialized industry solution, certainly, it is necessary to use both standard, and non-standard acceptances in automation. And the Docsvision system successfully copes with it.

TAdviser: As far as we know, not only automation of routine processes, but also creation of analytical mechanisms was an ultimate goal of implementation of EDMS. For what you needed analytics and how you are going it to use?

Vitaly Klyuev: We are going to develop on the next stages the analytical block of a system for constant control how processes are performed, for ensuring their transparency both by control points and stages, and regarding business indicators. This opportunity is of particular importance for any management system.

With project implementation on Docsvision we will have an opportunity of automatic formation of the reporting, function of control with a possibility of setup of reminders for different events, formation of data on any planned or critical event one button, - then the efficiency of work with documents will grow many times and will significantly lower labor costs.

TAdviser: What business processes of the company you are going to cover on the next stages? What your development plans for a system?

Vitaly Klyuev: We from the very beginning agreed that entirely we do not discuss all project, it is too big. That module which we do is the most relevant at the moment. On the next stages we plan development of already created functionality regarding the analytical block and integration with the accounting systems (1C), automation of classical processes using modules which exist in Docsvision (electronic document management, office, approval of agreements) and also creation of the module of accounting of the rendered services in agreements. The separate big stage plans development of the database of the serviced objects which will contain the most detailed information on each of them, to have function of a geographical binding of an object and adding online of information on its status, checks and service and also quick access to any related contractual and project documentation.

Thus, the uniform base with access for users within certain rights will be created. It is convenient. The Docsvision system also externally looks attractively, is modern and is usual that is important for employees. As a result, control will be adjusted and the probability that in general something will leave from under our control is reduced.

TAdviser: What for you became the most difficult in the project?

Vitaly Klyuev: The most difficult moment was and there is a need most full and to accurately formulate requirements to automation of all possible statuses and options of succession of events so that quickly to obtain the comprehensive information on any object interesting us, the agreement or the applicant. In parallel it was necessary to think of how to eliminate already existing inconsistencies and critical intersections of flows of data processing and also not to create new. We manage to define the most universal approach to development of functionality of a system together with the partner in implementation.

TAdviser: Whether implementation of this project will affect end consumers?

Vitaly Klyuev: We hope that time of technology accession will allow to reduce the functions of control and maintenance of document flow and all stages of different processes received as a result of implementation of the module based on Docsvision. Modern trends are not alien to us, and further we are going to enter submission of requests for TP in electronic form through a personal account on the website, tracking of the status of the request, etc. Any stage will not remain uncontrollable, with Docsvision we not only minimize the probability of failures, but also we will not allow them to remain unnoticed.

The implementation project is developed by System Examination company ( which executes a full stroke of works on workflow automation based on the Docsvision platform — from studying and the analysis of the operating business processes of document flow, their automation, documentation before training of the user and maintenance.