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2020/07/23 10:38:45

What digital trends of the Russian retail in the period of a pandemic

The pandemic led to the fact that many sectors of economy (as in Russia, and abroad) appeared before serious calls with which not all can cope. And even after removal of a quarantine not all types of business, in retail including, could return to work. In network continually there is information that even the largest retail chain stores in the West close shops or lay off employees. But crisis is also new opportunities. Many companies for months of self-isolation transformed the projects, implementing in them more and more digital-tools, engendering these new trends of domestic retail. What - we will consider together with X5 Retail Group in this article.

Certainly, the main trend – online delivery. To a pandemic in Russia the e-commerce segment in which there were certain players famous to consumers to a pandemic developed. However the self-isolation mode which lasted several months became the powerful driver for transition offline of business in online. For example, earlier the product delivery could be issued only from hypermarkets, waiting of the order could make of several hours before couple of days. Now delivery can be issued in even in shops of a format "at the house".

It became possible thanks to active development of "darkstor" – supermarkets without buyers representing a complex of warehouse where orders for online stores gather. They became one more, main trend of development of the Russian food-retail.

X5 of Retail Group is not going to stop also with an exit from koronavirusny restrictions. In the long term the company wants to occupy 15-20% of the food online market. (a photo -

Also digitalization of business processes did not remain unaddressed. The companies began to finish applications of the shops, adapting them for all types of devices and ensuring smooth round-the-clock operation. Didzhitalization mentioned also internal processes of the companies. The pandemic showed that work with people one of the main reasons of spread of a virus. It was succeeded to minimize risks thanks to robotization: many companies implemented in the offices of the automated assistants who undertook a part of routine work on document flow and accounting.

Besides, the pandemic showed, work of courier services is how important. The companies actively expanded staff of couriers, attracting for work of the representatives of a HoReCa segment who were left in a pandemic without work. Couriers worked in all cities of Russia in the emergency mode. In addition to scaling of courier services business developed the logistic solutions allowing effectively and with the minimum costs to service promptly increased number of consumers.

We with interest watched how the largest quickly adapted (and not only) players in the field of retail to a new situation. X5 Retail Group in the second quarter shared results of work, having published the digital digest X5Tech on the website.

The company told about new services which development had to be accelerated in the period of a pandemic (express delivery from Pyaterochka supermarkets), how the company managed to overtake for several months the long-term leader of online trade in products — Duck-bill and also about digital transformation of business in general.

X5 of Retail Group is not going to stop also with an exit from koronavirusny restrictions. In the long term the company wants to occupy 15-20% of the food online market. Strategic objective of the company former: bring revenue share from online formats in a cumulative indicator to 10% by 2025 and to 20% — to 2028.

And it is quite possible – trade in network gains steam, more and more people use services of online stores and delivery services. X5 Retail Group has all premises to be the leader for long time in the growing food online market as the company managed to rebuild quickly work in the most difficult conditions.