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Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation




+ Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia (CCI of the Russian Federation)

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation is a non-governmental, non-profit organization that unites its members to implement the goals and objectives defined by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Chambers of Commerce and Industry in the Russian Federation" and the Charter of the Chamber. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation represents the interests of small, medium and large businesses, covering all spheres of entrepreneurship - industry, domestic and foreign trade, agriculture, financial system, services. The CCI promotes the development of the Russian economy, its integration into the world economic system, the creation of favorable conditions for the development of all types of entrepreneurial activity.

The system of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation unites: 174 territorial chambers of commerce and industry; more than 200 unions, associations and other associations of entrepreneurs at the federal and 500 business associations at the regional level, representing the main sectors of the Russian economy; about 50 thousand enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership.


2024: TAdviser interview with Director of the Department of Digital Technologies Vladimir Maslov

Director of the Department of Digital Technologies of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation Vladimir Maslov in April 2024 spoke about how and for which Russian analogue the organization replaced the BI-system Qlik. Details of the selection and implementation of the Polymatica solution from SL Soft - in an interview with TAdviser. Read more here.

2023: The Chamber of Commerce and Industry will check the Russian origin of telecom equipment

At the end of December 2023, it became known that the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation intends to revise the procedure for recognizing telecommunications equipment as domestic. Instead of the Interdepartmental Expert Council on Telecom (MEA), this issue will be dealt with by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the All-Russian Research Institute of Radio Electronics (VNIIR). Read more here.