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The AVS Group is a powerful diversified company which structure is made by the enterprises provided in different spheres of business and social activity. At the beginning of the third millennium of "AVS Group" successfully mastered the following segments of the market: investments, transport and logistics, land and air freights, development, construction, finance and insurance, trade, media industry, hotel service and tourism. Coordination of business processes at the enterprises and determination of long-term strategy of their development is performed by management company.

Its history originates in 1993. First in structure of "AVS Group" became the company specializing in investments into a commercial real estate. With its emergence it was headed for dynamic and versatile business development. Diversification of activity was performed both through creation of the new enterprises, and through acquisition of the companies which were on the verge of bankruptcy. After recovery and reconstruction most such enterprises came to the leading positions in the industry.

Permanent search of the perspective directions led to large-scale expansion of activity of Group. At the beginning of the third millennium of "AVS Group" successfully mastered the following segments of the market: investments, transport and logistics, land and air freights, development, construction, finance and insurance, trade, media industry, hotel service and tourism. Coordination of business processes at the enterprises and determination of long-term strategy of their development is performed by management company.

The geography of business of "AVS Group" is unique. For years of stable and effective work the Group declared itself at first on federal, and then and at the international level. It demanded to provide worthy representation of interests of the company in regions of the Russian Federation and other states. With respect thereto "AVS Group" opened 74 representations in Russia and 12 abroad.

For "AVS Group" the solution not only commercial, but also social tasks is priority. The corporate policy is aimed at maintenance of stability and creating favorable conditions for personnel development. The social activity in the external environment is directed to implementation of important socially significant projects. In interaction with the different political and state organizations work on improvement of the city, updating and repair of objects of social infrastructure is carried out. Charity events and cultural events which purpose is support of needy categories of the population, promotion of a healthy lifestyle, development of potential of talented youth and attraction them to vigorous social and political activity are implemented. A number of the objects having the high cultural and social importance is a part of Group.