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Government of the Chechen Republic




+ Government of the Chechen Republic

Ministries and subordinate organizations


As of January 1, 2008, the population reached the level of 1209.4 thousand people. Age structure of the population: 56.9% of residents of the republic belong to the able-bodied, 35.1% - younger than working age, 8% - older than working age. According to the 2002 All-Russian Population Census, representatives of about 96 nationalities live in the Chechen Republic. Chechens and Russians are dominant in the national composition of the Chechen Republic.



Kadyrov's daughter became deputy chairman of the Chechen government and will oversee health care

In early October 2023, it became known about the appointment of Aishat Kadyrova as deputy chairman of the Chechen government for the social bloc. Which areas of activity are included in the area of ​ ​ responsibility of the deputy chairman in charge of the social block is not specified on the official website of the head of the Chechen Republic. However, at meetings with representatives of the social bloc, Ramzan Kadyrov regularly discusses, among other things, health issues. Read more here.

Putin transferred the ownership of Chechnya airport operator in Grozny

President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the transfer of ownership of Chechnya JSC Vainakhavia, the operator of the Severny International Airport in Grozny. The corresponding document was published on June 13, 2023. Read more here.

2021: Digital Transformation Strategy of the Chechen Republic

In August 2021, Chairman of the Government of the Chechen Republic Khuchiev Muslim Magomedovich approved the Strategy in the field of digital transformation of sectors of the economy, social sphere and public administration of the Chechen Republic for 2022-2024. You can familiarize yourself with the document by following the link.