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2025: Servier bought Aivarix

In early March 2025, it became known that the French multinational pharmaceutical company Servier closed the deal to acquire the startup Aivarix with Russian roots. Information on the value of the purchased asset has not been disclosed.

Aivarix was founded by Sergey Shayakhmetov, Ksenia Butova, Manvel Avetisyan and Max Fedin. This AI-based platform is designed to detect objective symptoms of varicose veins from photography. The declared accuracy reaches 95%. In a multicenter study involving 23 physicians and 433 patients, the service demonstrated a high level of sensitivity and specificity. The system can be applied to detect varicose veins in the early stages, which can help motivate patients to pay attention to vein health and start treatment.

French pharmaceutical giant Servier bought an AI platform founded by Russians to detect varicose veins from photos with 95% accuracy Aivarix

In order to use the Aivarix service, it is enough to take a photo of the problem area of ​ ​ the leg and upload it to the site. After that, within 5-10 minutes, the patient receives results by e-mail and, if necessary, can immediately follow the link to the Public services portal and make an appointment with the doctor. The Aivarix service is available to a wide range of users even from the most remote regions.

According to Igor Zolotukhin, professor at the Department of Faculty Surgery, Head of the Department of Basic and Applied Research in Surgery at the Research Institute of Clinical Surgery of the Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov, chronic vein diseases in the early stages are often ignored by patients. However, underestimating the importance of timely initiation of treatment can result in negative consequences, since varicose veins are a chronic progressive disease.

Therefore, raising awareness of diseases, informing about the importance of starting treatment in the early stages is one of the priorities of the medical community, and new digital tools and services, including Aivarix, can help us in this, "says Zolotukhin.[1]
