Altai edge clinical DAR perinatal center
Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care
Since 2016
Siberian Federal District of the Russian Federation
656045, Fomin St., 154
Since 2016
Siberian Federal District of the Russian Federation
656045, Fomin St., 154
Regional state budgetary healthcare institution "The Altai edge clinical perinatal center "DAR" openly in 2016 to Barnaul.
KGBUZ Altai Edge Clinical Perinatal Center DAR is the regional center in the field of demographic health care. In structure of the center – polyclinic department, departments of gynecology, pathology of pregnant women, pathologies of newborn and premature children, resuscitation, antenatal clinic, the center of prenatal diagnostics, the EKO center, the remote advisory center with mobile teams, etc. Organization is equipped more than two thousand units of the modern medical equipment.