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2023: Building a Company

In early April 2023, it became known that the producer of greenhouse vegetables of the Rost Group of Companies was engaged in grain processing. This direction attracts investors due to low prices for raw materials.

According to Vedomosti, on March 30, 2023, the Amirost company was established in Rostov-on-Don, which will specialize in the production of starch and starch-containing products, animal feed, storage and wholesale grain trade. Although formally the new owner of the legal entity is the owners of the Rost Group of Companies Sergey Rukin (he owns 78% in Amirost, according to the data of the Kontur. Focus service) and Dmitry Lashin (22%), this company will operate under the management of the Rost Group of Companies. The representative of the latter confirmed to the newspaper that the company plans to develop a new direction - grain processing. According to him, the group has the opportunity to develop and diversify the business.

Grain processing attracts investors due to low raw material prices

Eduard Zernin, Chairman of the Board of the Union of Grain Exporters, believes that it is economically profitable to engage in the production of starch, flour, and feed by April 2023. According to the price monitoring of Sovekon, wheat of the 4th class, from which these products are made, as of March 29, 2023 cost 10,425 rubles. per ton, which is 38.4% less than a year earlier. In addition, Russia still has a shortage of processing capacity, so some products made from Russian raw materials, for example, flour and starch, are supplied from Turkey, adds Tamara Reshetnikova, general director of Growth Technology.

By April 2023, Rost Group of Companies specializes in growing tomatoes, cucumbers and salads. Under its management, 19 greenhouse complexes with a total area of ​ ​ 500 hectares in 13 regions of Russia, as well as four packaging and distribution centers.[1]
