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Asia Pacific Bank




+ Asia Pacific Bank (ATB)

Asia-Pacific Bank, OJSC (until 2006 - Amurpromstroybank CJSC) provides a set of banking products and services for individuals and legal entities. General Banking Licence No. 1810 issued by the Bank of Russia on 10 May 2012. The ATB branch network includes 251 divisions in 112 settlements of 18 regions of the country. The Bank is a member of the Deposit Insurance System.


2023: Tatiana Shablyko's criminal case on the withdrawal of 4.2 billion rubles from the bank

The Presnensky District Court of Moscow began consideration of the criminal case of the ex-head of the Moscow branch of the Asia-Pacific Bank (ATB) Tatyana Shablyko, accused of particularly large embezzlement. According to the Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the defendant in 2014-2015 contributed to the withdrawal of about 4.2 billion rubles from the capital's ATB branch under fictitious loan agreements.


Joining the Plus Bank

On November 22, 2021, it became known that the new owner of the Asia-Pacific Bank (ATB), the Kazakh company Pioneer Capital Invest LLP, was joining another credit institution. We are talking about Kvant Mobile bank PJSC (specializing in car loans), which was previously called Plus-Bank. Read more here.

Pioneer Capital Invest bought Asia-Pacific Bank 14 billion rubles

On September 17, 2021, the sale of the Asia-Pacific Bank (ATB) was announced. It was bought by Pioneer Capital Invest, which offered the largest price in the amount of 14 billion rubles.

Today we held an auction for the sale of ATB. It was bought by a foreign investor with Kazakh capital at a good price, - the head of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation Nabiullina told reporters on the sidelines of the International Banking Forum "Banks of Russia - XXI Century."

According to her, the regulator seeks to sell all sanitized banks. According to the ATB reporting for the six months of 2021 under IFRS, the bank's equity amounted to 18.8 billion rubles.

Pioneer Capital Invest acquired Asia-Pacific Bank 14 billion rubles

The transfer of ownership to Pioneer Capital Invest is expected until November 1, 2021. Under the terms of the sale and purchase agreement, Pioneer Capital Invest will also transfer to the Central Bank a part of ATB's net profit for 9 months of 2021 until November 30.

In addition to Pioneer Capital Invest, Promsvyazbank and Sovcombank took part in the auction. The fourth of the invited participants refused to participate in the auction and did not apply for participation.

As Mikhail Alekseev, deputy chairman of the Central Bank, chairman of the board of directors of the Banking Sector Consolidation Fund (FCBS), later explained, preparations for trading took place within the framework of a new procedure for all participants introduced by bankruptcy legislation at the end of 2019, which allowed the regulator to study the financial condition and reputation of potential investors, and investors to get acquainted with the results of ATB activities.

Since March 2019, when none of the participants in the failed auction was ready to offer a minimum price for the bank's shares in the amount of 6 billion rubles, the cost of selling the bank's shares under the leadership of the management appointed by the Bank of Russia has increased more than 2 times, Alekseev said.[1]

Later, in January 2022, the media mentioned that the ultimate beneficiary of the transaction is the first president of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Central Bank tries to sell the bank for the third time

In April 2021, the Central Bank is trying to sell the Asia-Pacific Bank (Blagoveshchensk) for the third time: the collection of applications from June 28 to July 2 has been announced.

In March 2019, the first auction took place, preliminary applications were submitted for participation in it Sovcombank , Credit Bank of Moscow"" but did not appear at the auction itself.

In April 2020, the Central Bank again began to collect applications from potential buyers, then 4 participants announced, one of which was SBI Holdings (owns the Russian ES-Bi-Ai Bank). The auction was supposed to take place in August, but the Central Bank postponed the sale to 2021-2022. in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic.

2020: Alexey Korovin - Heads of Asia-Pacific Bank

On October 30, 2020, the Asia-Pacific Bank (ATB) announced the appointment of Alexei Korovin to the post of chairman of the board. His candidacy is aimed at coordination with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Read more here.


Purchase of a mansion from the DIA for 1 billion rubles

In November 2019, the Asia-Pacific Bank owned by the Bank of Russia, before the declared sale to a private investor, bought a new metropolitan office from the DIA for a billion rubles, which was once owned by Dresdner bank.

Probably, the Central Bank expects that the future buyer will buy himself not a bank, but a bank on the balance sheet of which is an object of cultural heritage - the city estate of the Prokhorovs - Khludovs.

"The bank will contribute to the preservation of the monument of history and culture," commented ATB CEO Sergey Avramov.

A billion on the scale of ATB is a lot - in the spring the regulator could not sell the bank for 6 billion rubles. This is 0.6 of the bank's capital.

Deceived clients of Asia-Pacific Bank were able to return 1.4 billion rubles

Clients of the Asia-Pacific Bank (ATB), to whom he offered bills of exchange to a third-party company under the guise of deposits, were able to sue the credit institution for 1.4 billion rubles. The disputes were won by 90% of the victims who went to court, the [2] reported Банки.ру[3].

"As of July 1, 2019, taking into account all courts in favor of the noteholders, 1,489 decisions were made (more than 90% of all decisions taken). As of July 1, 2019, ATB made payments on executive lists totaling 1.4 billion rubles, "Vasily Pozdyshev, deputy chairman of the Bank of Russia, said through the press service. He noted that some litigation is still underway and the regulator is ready to pay off the plaintiffs who will win the disputes.

Central Bank auction for the sale of sanitized ATB did not take place

The Bank of Russia was unable to sell the Asia-Pacific Bank (ATB) sanitized by it, RBC reported on March 14, 2019, citing a statement from the regulator. The auction for the sale of an asset from the Banking Sector Consolidation Fund (FCBS) was declared invalid, since the Moscow Credit Bank (MKB) and Sovcombank, admitted to trading, did not actually take part in them.

The initial price of the lot amounted to 9.87 billion rubles. ATB's capital is divided into a huge number of shares, in total more than 30.9 septmillion shares were put up for sale (the par value of one paper amounted to a meager 1/5155290941638853 rubles). The auction took place on the morning of March 14 in the format of a Dutch auction: every half hour (from 9:30) the auction price decreased by 1.285 billion rubles, until it reached the minimum level of 6 billion rubles. But not a single application for the purchase of a bank was received even at the minimum cost.

ICD revised its vision of development in the region [ATB's business is concentrated in the Far East], RBC answered the bank when asked why it did not take part in the auction.

For its part, Sovcombank reported that it had conducted a detailed financial and tax audit of ATB by EY.

FKBS​ cleaned up the balance sheet and strengthened the bank's risk management, ATB's main business is profitable and works efficiently. Unfortunately, even taking into account significant synergies with Sovcombank and the intention to strengthen our presence in the Far East, the lower price of the auction was too high for us, "explained Dmitry Gusev, Chairman of the Board of Sovcombank. - The decision was made on the eve of the auction, after we received the permits of the FAS and the Central Bank for the purchase of ATB and were registered at the auction.

As a result, ATB remained in the ownership of the Central Bank, continuing to work under the control of the interim administration. The regulator intends to consider the possibility of forming permanent management bodies in the bank, under the leadership of which a strategy for the development of its business can be determined.

The Bank of Russia expects to sell the bank in 2020, after "a wide range of persons, including potential investors," information on the results of the credit institution for 2019 will be disclosed.[4]

2018: Transfer of functions of the bank's interim administration to the Banking Sector Consolidation Fund

In April 2018, the Bank of Russia transferred the functions of the interim administration of the Asia-Pacific Bank to the Banking Sector Consolidation Fund (FCBS), RIA Novosti reports with reference to the press service of the Far Eastern Department of the Central Bank. On April 26, the Bank of Russia announced the reorganization of Asia-Pacific Bank, which will be transferred to the Banking Sector Consolidation Fund. This was reported on the regulator's website.