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Assessment center and development of project management of TsORPU



Autonomous nonprofit organization "Assessment Center and Development of Project Management" (ANO to TSORP) — the author and the initiator of creation of the Russian system of voluntary certification in the field of project management (The ISO PM (ISO PM).

The main reference point of the company is increase in efficiency of project management systems, programs and project portfolios by means of the organization of the procedures for an assessment developed based on the Russian and international standards in the field of project management with involvement of the best professionals and experts of the market.


2018: Registration of the trademark of the domestic system "PM Standard"

On May 31, 2018 ANO Assessment Center and Development of Project Management PM the Standard" as the trademark in Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks of the Russian Federation registered the name and the logo image of a domestic system of use of development and assessment in the field of project management ".

Registration of the trademark became the next important step in development of a system of use of development and assessment in the field of project management "PM the Standard". The name "PM Standard", despite rather recent emergence in the market of project management services, already became the known brand. It allows us to position more accurately in the market work on development and assessment of project competences of the Russian managers. The combined trademark in which an element of legal protection is not only the image but also the verbal name consisting of an abbreviation of PM "project management" and the common word Standard is officially recognized Rospatent — Yury Kim, the CEO of ANO to TSORP commented on an event.

Certification of specialists in the field of project management "PM the Standard" is the Russian system of confirmation of qualification of heads and specialists in the field of project management. It is developed by autonomous nonprofit organization "Assessment Center and Development of Project Management" with involvement of experts in the field of project management from commercial and government institutions, the leading Russian universities and representatives of professional communities.

ANO TSORPA actively promotes development of project management in the Russian Federation and the CIS, to increase in efficiency of use of the principles, methods and instruments of project management in the commercial and state organizations.