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Association of CB


2019: Revocation of license

The Bank of Russia at the end of July, 2019 revoked the license from the Assotsiation regional bank taking the 169th place by the amount of assets (nearly 15 billion rubles). The bank is remarkable the fact that in 2004 on its base the Volga branch of Assotsiation of regional banks of Russia opened (Russia association) which integrated at that time 37 banks located in the territory of Volga federal district.

Bank since 1999 mister Gaponov entering into council of association as the vice-chairman of its council Anatoly Aksakov directed.

The regulator made the decision on revocation of license after the bank "recognized absence reflected in accounting and the reporting of money on the accounts opened in foreign bank", says the Central Bank.

On the disappeared asset in the amount of 3.8 billion rubles the Central Bank directed to doformirovat reserves that led to complete loss of the capital by bank which was twice less.

According to the reporting of Assotsiation bank for July 1, the bank stored an equivalent of 2.6 billion rubles in foreign currency on the correspondent account in nonresident bank. Also equivalent of 1.3 billion rubles. "Association" issued as an interbank credit of foreign credit institution. As it appears from the annual report of Assotsiation, interbank credits and means on the corresponding account were placed in VTB Europe. VTB of Kommersant confirmed this information. "Due to the revocation of license of Assotsiation bank, means of bank in foreign currency on accounts of VTB Bank Europe were frozen — reported in bank. — According to the legislation and terms of the contract, the frozen means will be returned after obtaining necessary documents on appointment of temporary administration of Assotsiation bank. We do not open the amount of funds of clients on accounts".

The bank reported on the website that it together with the Central Bank "opened the fact of fraudulent activity from the employee of treasury of bank who intentionally forged banking activities in the SWIFT system". The bank with respect thereto submitted the application to law enforcement agencies, investigation is now conducted. Mister Gaponov did not begin to answer questions 'Ü'. The press secretary of bank repeated information announced by bank.

The head of Russia association Anatoly Aksakov in turn reported that he considered Assotsiation one of the best regional banks. According to mister Gaponov he heard that the treasurer of bank to whom that trusted misled him and "forged documents and thus brought a large sum of money out of bank". Now this treasurer, according to Aksakov, is under recognizance not to leave and gives evidences. The source of Kommersant in Assotsiation bank reported that the treasurer is called Vladimir Makarevich and he now really gives evidences to law enforcement agencies.

Now shareholders of Assotsiation bank make efforts for protection of interests of creditors and investors. "Additional money including at the expense of the credit resources attracted by major shareholders of bank to ensuring settlings with clients whose account balances in bank exceed 1.4 million rubles" — the message of bank says are at the moment accumulated. Among shareholders of bank there are Nizhny Novgorod enterprises "Hydromash", "The Nizhny Novgorod television plant of V.I. Lenin", "The plant of G.I. Petrovsky" and others.

Mikhail Gaponov owns bank as directly, and through some enterprises. According to Anatoly Aksakov, mister Gaponov said to him that he intends to be calculated with all creditors of bank using those resources which he owns.

Earlier there was already a case when banks forged transactions in the SWIFT system. "The Bank of Russia was announced falsification of statements from a system by SWIFT in Vneshprombank — the director of methodology of the NKR rating agency Stanislav Volkov reminded. — for lack of operational information exchange between regulators of the different countries to stop similar cases not easy".

As for settlings with creditors, technically it can occur through early repayment of the credits obtained in bank and also through voluntary conveyance of property, mister Volkov adds. By its calculations, obligations of bank to creditors exceed 13 billion rubles, from them about 8 billion — before natural persons. An overwhelming part of deposits of natural persons in bank did not exceed 1.4 million rubles. If it is about compensation to investors-prevyshentsam and also not affiliated legal persons, then on these purposes about 4-5 billion rubles will be required.