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Azot, Kemerovo




+ Azot, Kemerovo

KAO Azot is a Russian producer of nitrogen fertilizers, the main supplier of ammonium nitrate for industrial use to mining enterprises in Siberia and the Far East and an exporter of caprolactam.

KAO "Azot"


2025: Liquid Carbon Dioxide Plant Launches for ₽1,1 Billion

Azot JSC from Kemerovo completed the construction of a plant for the production of liquid carbon dioxide. Investments in the project amounted to ₽1,1 billion. This was announced on February 26, 2025 by the Governor of Kuzbass Ilya Seredyuk during the annual report on the work of the regional government.

According to him, the introduction of a new facility will increase the production of industrial carbon dioxide in Russia, which is used in the food, chemical and oil and gas industries. According to Interfax, the capacity of the new production will be 50 thousand tons of liquid carbon dioxide per year. Liquid carbon dioxide is widely used in various industries, including oil production and pharmaceutical production.

In the
Kemerovo region, a plant for the production of liquid carbon dioxide was launched for ₽1,1 billion. It is used in oil production and in the creation of drugs

The Governor also noted that the company is building the production of granulated ammonium sulfate with a design capacity of 253 thousand tons per year. Investments in this project amount to ₽1,3 billion.

Azot JSC, which is part of the group of companies of the same name, is implementing a large-scale investment program, including the construction of a number of new industries. Among them, it is planned to create a new production of ammonia with a capacity of 1.226 million tons per year and granular urea with a production volume of 1.422 million tons per year.

The ammonia unit will be the third in a row at Azot. Its capacity will correspond to the total production at two existing plants, which is 3.5 thousand tons per day. Total investments in the implementation of all projects of the company are estimated at ₽200 billion.

The company creates new production facilities in the territory of the special economic zone of the industrial and production type "Kuzbass," which allows it to use tax and customs privileges.

The production capacity of Kemerovo Nitrogen allows the production of more than 1.2 million tons of ammonia, over 1.3 million tons of ammonium nitrate, 1 million tons of nitric acid, about 600 thousand tons of urea, 360 thousand tons of ammonium sulfate, 130 thousand tons of caprolactam and 200 thousand tons of urea-ammonia mixture.[1]

2024: Launch of a seed plant in the Kemerovo region for ₽430 million rubles

In October 2024, the Azot group of companies commissioned the first seed production plant in the Kemerovo region. Investments in the project amounted to ₽430 million. The new enterprise is located in the village of Zvezdny, Kemerovo District. Read more here

2023: Appointment of Andrey Vishnevsky as new CEO

On February 20, 2023, the Kemerovo company Azot (part of JSC Azot Group of Companies) announced the appointment of Andrei Vishnevsky as its new general director instead of Igor Bezukh, who left the post due to the transfer to another job. Where Igor Bezukh will continue his career is not specified. Read more here.

2019: TAdviser interview with IT chief Ivan Medvedev

In December 2019, Ivan Medvedev in an interview spoke about the introduction of intelligent services for processing incoming documents in KAO Azot, the results of this project and development plans.