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Science and education
Since 1998
F. Skorina St., 51, body 2, office 409, 220141

Top managers:
Nosevich Vyacheslav Leonidovich
Public institution "Belarusian research center of electronic documentation" (BELNITSED)

The Belarusian research center of electronic documentation (BELNITSED) is created according to the resolution of Council of Ministers of Republic of Belarus of September 18, 1998 No. 1465 "About creation of the Belarusian research center of electronic documentation".

Main activities:

  • Carrying out the application scientific research aimed at providing long-term safety and availability of electronic documentation, improvement of technologies of paperless documentation in the public, public and commercial institutions, the organizations, the enterprises
  • Participation in improvement of the legislative, regulatory and methodical base for the purpose of ensuring authenticity, reliability and safety of electronic documents
  • Permanent state storage of electronic documents of National archive fund of Republic of Belarus
  • Methodological and methodical ensuring departmental storage of electronic documents, formations and uses of the state information resources
  • Development of the scientific principles and direct implementation of examination of value of electronic documents
  • Implementation and improvement of information technologies of access to traditional archive documents
  • Scientific use and the publication of documents of National archive fund, materials on the history of development of information science in Belarus, scientific and scientific and methodical literature on activities of the center
  • Detection of documents on the history of Belarus in foreign archives and acquisition of their electronic copies
  • The publication in printing, means of electronic communications and on machine-readable mediums of collections of documents and other literature of social and political, scientific and technical, legal, educational and help character on Belarusian, Russian and other languages, preparation for the publication together with archive organizations of collections of scientific works and periodicals on application of information science in archiving
  • Development of the software tools providing automation of the basic technology processes in activity of the archive industry
  • Ensuring functioning of an information resource of the archive industry of Republic of Belarus - the website "Archives of Belarus"