Barnaul car-repair plant
Siberian Federal District of the Russian Federation
656004, Vodoprovodnaya St., 122
Siberian Federal District of the Russian Federation
656004, Vodoprovodnaya St., 122
JSC Barnaulsky VRZ is one of the largest enterprises of the car-repair industry in the country which equipment allows to make an overhaul of the freight rolling stock in considerable volumes, and the quality of rendering repair services conforms to requirements of the existing normative instructions, instructions, technical regulations.
- In 90 years the plant endured many reorganization: from the Main railway workshops where engines and commodity cars were under repair, it was transformed in 1926 to the car-repair plant. Later time engines came to its workshops again, and it became locomotive-repair. In 1935 time of engines came to an end, and the plant received the final name — car-repair.
- Into the sixtieth — the beginning of the seventieth years VRZ passed to a pipeline method of wagon repair. Later, in the seventies, the constructed workshop of dismantling of cars allowed to transfer preparation of cars for repair to a flow, and the created jet washer — to complete a dismantling cycle washing. The result — in 1973 was repaired 200 000th car, and in the 1983rd — 300 the 000th.
- During the period from 1989 to 2001 in the conditions of complete self-financing, self-financing and self-sufficiency the plant worked steadily. The production plan was implemented for 100 percent. In 1995 the plant received the status of "The leader of the Russian economy", took a prize in an industry competition of staff of the enterprises of railway transport.
- On April 1, 2006 VRZ became open joint stock company. This status dictated new tasks: the release of high-quality products became one of the priority directions.