As of 2020 11 reports which supported 35 partners are published.
2018: Start Startup of Barometer
The company wanted to help investors and founders of startups it is better to understand needs and expectationses of each other. So in 2018 the idea Startup of Barometer was born. More than 500 founders of technology projects acted as respondents of the first research. Barometer purpose – creation of application studies. Data retrieveds should not only allow to draw conclusions about the current processes, but also to contribute to the development of the studied industries.
2014: Start of researches of the market of venture investment
Originally the markets of venture investment and a technology entrepreneurship were a subject of the researches Barometer. Since 2014 the company studies opinions of key players of the market to define a current status and problems of the venture industry. During this time Venture Barometer became a full-fledged source of information on the market.