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Баннер в шапке 2

Bronnitskaya jewelry manufactory



Bronnitsky Jeweler includes the Federal Network of Branded Jewelry Salons and the Bronnitsky Jewelry Plant. This is one of the oldest jewelry enterprises in Russia, which produces more than five thousand items of jewelry made of gold 585 ° and 375 ° and silver 925 °, including traditionally gold and silver chains of manual and automatic weaving.

Bronnitsky Jeweler was founded in 1924. Rich history and fidelity to traditions made the enterprise one of the largest players in the jewelry market in Russia. It steadily ranks in the top three of the industry rating in terms of the production of jewelry from precious metals. The company's jewelry is represented in more than two thousand stores in all federal districts of the country, as well as in Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries. Today, about 80 stores operate in Russia under franchise agreements under the Bronnitsky Jeweler brand.


2023: Change of Ownership

In early October 2023, it became known that the production assets of Bronnitsky Jeweler, one of the oldest Russian jewelry chains, had changed their owner. According to the Kommersant newspaper, Yunox Company JSC received a 99 percent stake in Amethyst LLC, which, in turn, as of the end of September 2023, was the sole owner of two structures of the Bronnitsky Jeweler retail chain - Prominvest LLC and New Concepts LLC. According to available information, Yunox is associated with private shareholders of Vnukovo airport Vitaly Vantsev and Vladimir Skoch.

According to the materials of Bronnitsky Jeweler, Prominvest is the lessee of equipment for the Bronnitsky Jewelry Plant (BUZ), while New Concepts manages the property of this enterprise. According to SPARK, 90% of BUZ belongs to Kamil Nigmatullina, 10% - to the general director of the enterprise Ilya Chepik. BUZ is developing the Bronnitsky Jeweler retail network, which unites more than 2 thousand stores in Russia and the CIS.

The production assets of Bronnitsky Jeweler have changed their owner

There is no information on the amount of the transaction for the sale of 99% of Ametista as of October 2, 2023. Market participants believe that the transfer of control over the assets of Bronnitsky Jeweler is the first stage of a larger transaction. In particular, Dmitry Gabyshev, Managing Director of Peregrine Capital, believes that in the future the entire wholesale and retail business of BUZ can be consolidated by one investor. According to Infoline estimates, at the end of 2022, the Bronnitsky Jeweler chain took tenth place among jewelry sellers in Russia with a market share of 0.88%. At the same time, the company's position is weakening. Changing the structure of owners, followed by optimization of business processes, will theoretically help to increase sales and improve financial performance.[1]
