COGITO Management Consulting
KOGITO Management Consulting is a partner of a number of leaders Russian consulting and the IT companies, the centers of training and business schools.
The company considers one of the main achievements transition from classical consultation to business management of our clients. Now under management of TOP - management of KOGITO Management Consulting there are several companies from the different industries of business (the purpose - creation of players of national scale based on the regional companies).
Clients of KOGITO Management Consulting in the field of consulting and business training are such known companies as: JSC AvtoVAZ, Krokus Trade Group, Avtomir Group, Grand Toyz Group, JSC New Transportation Company, MMK-Trans LLC, JSC Russian Railways, JSC Rosneft, Construction Company No. 1 Group, JSC Gazpromregiongaz, JSC Uraltransgaz, etc.