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The ex-partner accused Oracle of a dishonest game in the support market

In February, 2013 the former partner of Oracle the CedarCrestone company accused vendor of "illegal and systematic attacks" to the third firms giving support to clients of corporation and also of the actual market monopolization of support of solutions of Oracle.

Oracle revoked the partner license CedarCrestone in 2012 and even filed a lawsuit the claim, having accused the last that it rendered services of support illegally. Claims to CedarCrestone were similar to those which Oracle showed against the former division of SAP TomorrowNow and Rimini Street which also offered alternative services of support of the systems of Oracle.

Business of CedarCrestone was based on implementation of Oracle applications and also on partial updating already of an installed software according to tax and regulatory changes. The last service was very important for clients who did not want to pay for support of vendor by means of which it is possible apregrd systems, but after all needed reduction of systems in compliance with the legislative environment.

In the claim Oracle accused CedarCrestone that she used official updates as "starting point" and also that she deceived users, stating that it developed them independently and that their use is not violation of intellectual property rights. CedarCrestone allegedly also used not authorized copies of software of Oracle, according to the claim which is considered by District court northern the Districts of State of California, USA.

In January, 2013 CedarCrestone responded to charges, having assured that it was not engaged in theft of someone else's programs. Moreover, the company considers that Oracle had no right to break off with it partnership. According to representatives of the consulting company, in the market of support of solutions Oracle achieved actually "monopoly", interfering with development of free market.

In TomorrowNow of corporation it was already succeeded to achieve significant compensation from SAP, but, as well as in a case with Rimini Street, before exhaustion of an incident a lot more time can be required.