City clinical clinic No. 6 of the city of Stavropol
Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care
Since 1976
North Caucasian Federal District of the Russian Federation
Tukhachevsky St., 17
Since 1976
North Caucasian Federal District of the Russian Federation
Tukhachevsky St., 17
GBUZ SK Gorodskaya klinicheskaya poliklinika No. 6 of the city of Stavropol services the population of the Southwest area that makes nearly 28% of residents. Besides on medical care in clinic all gardening partnerships surrounding the city in the southwest direction Agrarian, Friendship, Shooting range, Forestry specialist, Flame, Fontanel, Sputnik, Niva, Apple, Anniversary, Resident of Stavropol, Radiocentre, state farms - Plodosovkhoz, "2e department" and also country settlements are attached: Demino, farm Dairy, Pear (March, 2017).