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Computer Science club at POMI RAS


Computer Science club at POMI RAS is created in September of the 2007th year with assistance of Anton Likhodedov, today support to club is given by Anton Likhodedov (Deutsche Bank) and Yury Bogdanov (Uralkali). The main objective — to give to students of St. Petersburg an opportunity to get an education in the field of Theoretical Computer Science. Lectures are given by the St. Petersburg and foreign teachers on Saturdays and Sundays in POMI RAS (Fontanka, 27). On basic courses examinations for which estimates can be reckoned formally are carried out. An input at a lecture free.

For lifetime of club it was visited by more than seven hundred students of different universities, including St. Petersburg State University (SPbSU); University of information technologies, mechanics and optics (ITMO University); Electrotechnical university (SPBGETA LETI); Polytechnical university (SPBGPU); University of telecommunications of the prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruyevich (SPbSUT); University of space instrument making (St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation). Usually at lectures there are about forty listeners among whom not only students, but also graduate students, university graduates.

The club is interested in the sponsorship necessary for financing of rates, videos of lectures, trips of students to schools and conferences.

Coordinator of club: Alexander Kulikov (kulikov (), 7 911 240 9485).