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Consafe Logistics


Information technologies
Porfyrvägen 14 224 78 Lund Sweden

October, 2008: Consafe Logistics announces the partnership agreement with Red Tree company.

Continuing development in the Russian market, the European supplier of the WMS solutions Consafe Logistics opens division in Russia for providing the best customer support. Within the strategy of gaining the new markets the partnership agreement is signed with Red Tree company which will undertake promotion and product introduction of Consafe Logistics (first of all WMS systems) in the territory of the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan.

Consafe Logistics is included into Top-3 of system providers of WMS in EMEA region (Arc Advisory Group, WMS Worldwide Outlook, 2008). Among clients there are companies: Carlsberg, Coop, UPS, Michelin, Volvo, Coca-Cola, Nestle, Canon, Electrolux, Ericsson.

WMS from Consafe Logistics is considered an optimal solution for averages and large logistic complexes with the increased complexity and intensity of transactions. Key advantages of Consafe Logistics WMS are its functionality, performance, scalability, convenience of updating. Partnership with Red Tree company which focuses in the activity on implementing solutions of automation of a warehouse (WMS, YARD) promises to be fruitful, and the most effective for clients.

Dmitry Artemyev, the CEO of Consafe Logistics in Russia [[Artemyev Dmitry|]] comments: "Red Tree – one of the most dynamic companies in the field of logistic consulting in Russia, known for the team of professionals of the highest level. Within our partnership Red Tree adds the experience in the Russian market to the best practices from Consafe Logistics company. We are sure that consolidation of our efforts will and promote further achievement of maximum efficiency of logistic transactions of the leading Russian companies".