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Distributed scientific supercomputer infrastructure



Main article: Supercomputers

Supercomputers (Russian market)

Main article: Supercomputers (Russian market)

2024: Creation of a consortium

In Russia, the Distributed Scientific Supercomputer Infrastructure consortium has been formed, uniting six leading specialized collective use centers (CCPs). This became known in August 2024. This step is aimed at coordinating development efforts and supporting supercomputer centers, as well as specialized data centers to solve urgent scientific and socio-economic problems.

According to the press service of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the new consortium includes scientific institutions of the country, including the Khabarovsk federal research center of the Far East office of RAS, Institute of automatic equipment and management processes of the FEB RAS in Vladivostok, Institute of System Dynamics and Management Theory named after V.M. Matrosova SB RAS in Irkutsk, Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS in Novosibirsk, Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics named after N.N. Krasovsky Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Yekaterinburg and the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow.

The creation of a consortium, according to the initiators of the project, allows you to consolidate the resources and capabilities of six centers, which will ensure their more efficient interaction and development. The common infrastructure combines 900 servers with a total peak performance of 1.5 Pflops and a scientific data storage system of more than 15 PB. This will ensure the operation of distributed specialized information systems for the collection, storage and processing of scientific data throughout the country.

Consortium members provide qualified support to 240 organizations throughout Russia, providing them with access to high-performance computing resources. In 2023, the results of research conducted using the resources of the consortium were published in more than 300 scientific articles.[1]
