East Service
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Information technologies in "East Service"
Lidiya Semichastnaya, head of department of IT of Vostok-Service group:
We apply solutions of the most different origin — the self-written, drawing products of 1C, systems developed by us on this platform, modules for automation of logistics and merchandising from SAP ERP[1].
"East Office" — our main system, it self-written also exists more than ten years. In it production, budgeting, finance, treasury, a part of accounting functions, all business intelligence with analytical cubes and reports are automated. Base is the Oracle platform. This system — an IT infrastructure core, all others adjoin it, are closely integrated with it and among themselves. At the same time processes are not duplicated, everyone is primary in the system.
We know cost value of the products precisely. In terms of accounting the firm is advanced far from the average level, lot-based account, any average is kept. What was purchased where it left — all this is fixed in details. We resolved a cost value issue in 2000. Then in the used programs barter still was considered, and we considered cost value at least approximately. In ten years avoided such calculations far, but still we consider cost value in the East Office program.
Accounting, payroll calculation and personnel records are executed on drawing products of 1C. We buy them ready and we do not rewrite in general. We teach people to work in what is without any changes. Maintenance is completely executed by firms franchisees, it is standard programs, and branches will organize this process.
Other large block — "The unified information system of branches", EISF. This solution based on "1C: Trade 8.0" we finished so that to provide a full integration between head office and branches. The project began four years ago, and in it blocks which at that time were badly made in 1C were improved, interfaces are considerably changed, the modules allowing to do the consolidated statements of firm by clicking of one button are added.
Prior to development of EISF we carefully selected the tool using which it will be possible to solve a problem of standardization of business processes in branches and to establish their information exchange with head office. An opportunity to use a uniform ERP system in this quality was discussed. I categorically opposed it as it is expensive, inefficient, it is impossible to support in all territories. Our branches are stretched from Brest to Magadan. The platform of 1C as a basis of EISF was selected first of all the developer company has a network of the franchisee through the whole country. The solution centralized is completely developed at head office in Moscow. Here only forty IT specialists and two more centers of implementation — in Novosibirsk and Ufa.
Implementation of this product was an initiative of department of logistics, and their idea completely was repaid. Since then went six years, both all merchandising and all logistics at us to SAP now. But it was not simple to implement it at all.
Before implementation analyzed all ERP systems which then were in the market. That standard SAP ERP "East Service" does not approach, it was clear at once. We sew clothes, in it there are size ranges. In standard delivery of SAP there are no size ranges. It is only a small example of mismatch of a product to our requirements, but one it turns a matrix from two thousand trade names into a matrix of the following order: the same jacket, but other size is already other goods item.
We always had size ranges in the self-written East Office system which in due time I developed together with other programmers who are still working for us. We rested tightly — why to us to potter with such monster? Then the staff of the Russian SAP found the "correct" specialist in the headquarters, and he advised SAP AFS, the specialized solution for production and sale of footwear and clothes where size ranges are. Made for Nike and Adidas, at that time it was not localized, it was localized "under us" by specialists of the Russian representative office. And this solution was ideal for us for automation of sale and logistics. It liquidated all weak points, all "bottle necks" from an IT landscape disappeared. It is impossible to tell that at the same time we fell into euphoria, but for 90% our requirements were closed. Here and there we had to change the processes, but it is not strong, now all this is implemented and successfully not the first year works.
Even before SAP implementation of AFS we the first in Russia implemented SAP WMS in a warehouse. The sales logistics works in a sheaf with a warehouse (the standard packet was seriously finished), with the internal accounting system on 1C and EISF. We carried out integration. Data are not duplicated anywhere, everything is transferred accurately and precisely.
However completely all automation of the company, and, above all — financial flows of SAP ERP are not ready to be picked up. There was a strategic plan completely to pass to products of this vendor earlier. We refused it, but nevertheless gradually, a piece behind a piece, process automation migrates in ERP. In the nearest future we are going to transfer there and retail. We always had it on 1C as in SAP there is no suitable retail, we have wholesale and retail points.
Now we plan the following approach. One license for a point will stand Sap'ovskaya to draw up accounts in the central office, the Cash desk on 1C as it is cheap and reliable will do statements from warehouses, etc., considering quality of channels. We have VPN everywhere, to each point it is unprofitable to pull optics to us. 1C at the checkout is necessary in order that the client who came with money could make a purchase even if there is no communication. Until "pilot" is made, one such shop is debugged, from this year we will begin replication.
How production is automated?
In 2008, during crisis, we braked development of EISF in view of high cost and in a year all our factories completely automated — from acceptance of material on a warehouse before issue of finished goods including shop planning. At factories in each workshop there are AIS jobs: "open" a workplace, "storekeeper", "finished goods". If initial data to enter not on site their emergence then neither about any their quality nor about any relevance out of the question. All automation system of factories is made forces of one our programmer, he also implemented it.
From office on factory there are plans, back — all write-offs, all information on shipments. We do production planning here, in Moscow, we integrate plans of factories in EISF. Proceeding from the sales plan the production schedule prepares. Demand planning, productions and purchases of raw materials is completely coordinated. Except own we have more than enough factories "to be provided" — we give them only raw materials, they sew, but raw materials belong to us. Raw materials purchase planning, with replacement of accessories, with different width of fabrics, is just terrible process. Planning is executed for year, quarter, month, an essential role is played by seasonality. Poorly we predict sale, all the time there are requests supplementing already created orders. So that to plan a collection for a season, to sew it and more to it not to return — it is impossible. Here last quarter from the large extracting holding the request which approximately the same volume as all our sale in a quarter came: they have a centralized purchase.
All curves created in department of design go on factory in a digital form and get on the equipment of automatic cutting. The uniform base of curves and software of work with them is used. The program of product development, sewing design and cutting — one of the few in our IT structure on outsourcing.
The product was selected by production workers as the need for such uniform management of designing is big: "sewing PDM" is almost necessary. Half a year him were implemented by external consultants, finished much — 60 thousand code lines. And then it turned out that the chief technologist wanted "not that". And when the code was already ready, she said: "If you correctly told at once everything to me, I would ask to make in a different way". It is impossible to do without own reconsideration of problem definition what is asked by the user.
It is one of my important principles. "Users are bad, do not know what is wanted, change the opinion" — all this very widespread reproaches. But it is necessary to understand that the user comes with a problem, and a task of IT professional — this problem to understand and propose the solution.
How did the project of development of EISF go?
It was very difficult organizationally, technically — too, but this scarecrow is less. When we began to do it, in all branches stood 1C, but different: the sixth, seventh, eighth — all existing versions which are added-rewritten repeatedly and everywhere in own way. Nearly forty different implementations in forty branches. All initial data were different, processes — are not standardized.
We could not unify them because branches not completely submit to head office. These are separate legal entities, and the relations of property are not always simple and obvious. We give strategy, we set price policy, but has no right to force them to rebuild processes. Besides, both trade enterprises, and production treat branches.
The separate division of IT service is engaged in development of this system. One project manager at the top level, five programmers, two-three methodologists — our project team was such. The project went four years, the 2012th is finished in the fall. On this implementation at us peculiar special troops grew: programmers of the top skills who left in branch and quickly, usually for days off carried out transition to a new system. Sale at this implementation at us did not stand day anywhere. Accounting — yes, sometimes interrupted work, but is not sold. And it is forty branches, eighty points as some branches have some more representations. If the branch in the regional center, then in areas too most likely is departments. The project was supported by specially built system of documentation of the carried-out works and training of employees.
The branch in Kirov which assumed blow to fine-tuning of the solution was the first. The programmer who worked with the first there lost weight for implementation by 11 kg. Unification of processes is given not easy. Further, when the solution was debugged and there took place its replication, in response to any hysterics the colleagues who already completed transition from branches with larger turnover were held up as an example. In certain cases on branch month of work of programmers was required. I traveled over the half-countries, communicated to all chief accountants of branches. In certain cases pottered with one branch before half a year.
Data come, disagreements are looked for, then they are analyzed by the methodologist. Methodologists revealed all sins of accounting. It became clear, it is how possible to arrange processes of branch to our standard. If it was impossible, it was necessary with a command from office to go to branch and to understand on the ground. Through a knee nobody was broken. It was necessary to convince of each case.