Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Eastern electric networks




+ Irkutsk Power Grid Company

Eastern electric networks provide electricity to a vast area that extends from the regional center - the city of Irkutsk more than four hundred kilometers to the north and is bounded by the right bank of the Angara River, the west coast of Lake Baikal and the basin of the Lena River and its tributaries.

About the Company

The area of ​ ​ the "zone of influence" Eastern electric networks (WES) is more than 120 square meters. km, which is approximately equal to the total territory of such European states as Denmark, Switzerland and the Netherlands. Eastern electric networks supply power to nine administrative regions of the region and the national autonomous district.

The main task of the wind farm is reliable uninterrupted power supply to the population, social facilities, enterprises and organizations. Most of the load of wind farms is in rural areas, which causes a significant length of distribution networks with relatively low electricity consumption and high social significance of our branch for the life of the region.

The total length of wind farm power lines is more than 8.6 thousand kilometers. The wind farm has 52 substations with a voltage of 110-35 kV and a total installed capacity of 731MVA. Currently, the branch employs more than 500 workers and specialists. The annual transmission of electricity through the power grids of the wind farm is 1353 million kWh, an annual increase in electricity consumption of 5%, mainly due to an increase in household loads.

The organizational structure of the branch is built according to the territorial management scheme, in which all objects of electric networks are assigned to sections of district electric networks (RES) serving buildings, structures and equipment of substations, power transmission lines and distribution networks of all voltages of their region. Eastern electric networks include eight districts of electric networks:

  • Oek RES,
  • Ekhirit-Bulagat RES,
  • Kachugsky RES,
  • Bayandaevsky RES,
  • Bohan RES,
  • Zhigalovsky RES,
  • Osinsky RES,
  • Ust-Udinsky RES.


Director - Sadokhin Alexey Ivanovich

Chief EngineerBogdanov Gennady Vasilievich

Chief Accountant of Bryuzgina Natalia Vladimirovna


Official website