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Баннер в шапке 2




The ELECTROCONCEPT engineering company is included into the international ENERZ group specializing in development and deployment of the innovative solutions for high efficiency and safety of power supply.

The Elektrokontsept production company is founded in 2008, is engaged in development and production of the electrotechnical equipment of own needs of power plants and substations of 35-750 kV.

Specialists of the company develop the Intellectual Own Needs complex which components is the following equipment:

  • the accumulator pressurized power modules of the AGEM series with service life of 20 years and the built-in system of control and diagnostics (SCD)
  • modern charging subchargers of the VTZP series with a numerical control system
  • boards of a direct current with high extent of sectioning and security
  • boards of own needs of 0.4 kV with highly reliable switching devices
  • the hardware and software system RIDUS for monitoring and control of the equipment of SOPT and SN and integration into an APCS.