Elins, STC
Since 1991
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
103498, K-498, MIET, room 7333,
Among founders of "STC of ELINS" there is Moscow State Institute of Electronic Technology (the technical university) (MIET)
ELINS scientific and technological center is a developer and the producer of special purpose wide range of products. For years of existence of STC of ELINS took part in tens of projects of federal importance. The staff of scientific and technological center in the best traditions of the Soviet engineering school regularly makes development of the unique, not having analogs in the world, products.
Having started at the beginning of the 90th from small design office, today the STC of ELINS is a modern project, engineering and production center which number of employees passed for 500 people (May, 2011). The set of types of productions, such as is mastered: machining, galvanics, painting, installation of radio-electronic elements, assembly and tests of finished goods.