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2021: Opening of a rehabilitation center for patients with maxillofacial defects

In mid-October 2021, it became known about the opening in Krasnoyarsk of the Epithetics Medical and Production Center (MPC), designed for the rehabilitation of patients with maxillofacial defects. 40 million rubles were invested in this project, the funds were provided by the fund of social regional programs "Our Future."

Within the framework of the Epithetics MPC, technologies are offered for the rehabilitation of patients with maxillofacial defects using titanium implants and silicone epitheses (prostheses): ear, nasal, palate, facial combined, and with the support of the Our Future Foundation, certification of a patented universal epithesis fixation system is carried out. It is assumed that the Epithetics MPC will become one of the main centers for the rehabilitation of patients with maxillofacial defects using silicone epitheses in Russia.

A rehabilitation center for patients with maxillofacial defects has opened in Krasnoyarsk

The center will be able to provide assistance to more than 240 patients annually, including in the field of dentistry and lore diseases. The center also plans to train more than 5 thousand specialists in the rehabilitation of patients with maxillofacial defects and related specialties.

"Epithetics" will also work on an individual rehabilitation program through the Social Insurance Fund, providing services to patients with disabilities on a free basis.

According to the director of the center, Sergey Nikolaenko, more than 25 thousand people in Russia annually need to correct congenital and acquired as a result of injuries or oncological diseases of maxillofacial defects. "Epithetics" is being created to help such patients not only acquire quality prostheses, but also accelerate their social adaptation after suffering a disease, injury or in the presence of a birth defect, he said.

It is noted that this project is the idea of ​ ​ a doctor of medical sciences, professor Sergei Nikolaenko. He, in collaboration with the Our Future Foundation, got the opportunity to create an independent enterprise where both his own production of epitheses (facial prostheses) and a clinical unit for patient rehabilitation will be organized.[1]
