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The Italian company Esaote — one of leaders in the field of the biomedical equipment, such as ultrasonic and specialized MRT-systems and also in the field of software for management of diagnostic process.


Financial results
2016 year
Revenue: 270 millions
Number of employees
2016 year

The head office Esaote is in Italy, production and research departments – in Genoa, Florence and Naples (Italy), Maastricht (Netherlands) and the Chinese Shenzhen (data for 2017).

Subsidiary companies are located in the USA, China, Germany, the Netherlands, France, Spain, Argentina, India and Brazil.

In Russia Esaote has representation in Moscow, and through the international distributor network the holding works more than in 60 countries of the world.


The Esaote holding is one of the main players in the field of specialized technologies for health care. Since 1980 the Esaote company focused the efforts on three main areas of obtaining diagnostic images for the purpose of studying of all perspectives in the defined field of activity. Later the company began to expand competence, passing from diagnostics and prevention to treatment and the subsequent medical observation, strengthening the positions and in the field of surgeries.

Performance Indicators

In 2016 the total turnover of Esaote company was 270 million euros, and in its state there were 1200 employees. With own production and research divisions in Italy and the Netherlands, Esaote enters ten the leading manufacturing companies of the systems of diagnostic imaging.[1]


2017: Sale to the company to the Chinese investors

In December, 2017 it was announced sale Esaote to group of the Chinese investors among whom there was a private foundation which is set up by the CEO of Alibaba Jack Ma (Jack Ma).

Financial terms of transaction do not reveal. Reuters news agency, referring to the people familiar with a situation, reports that the agreement was signed when accounting market capitalization of Esaote more than in 300 million euros.

Esaote medical equipment

The following companies from the People's Republic of China were among buyers of Esaote:

  • private investment fund Shanghai Yunfeng Xinchuang Investment Management (the cofounder — Jack Ma);
  • Equipment manufacturer for medical visualization of Beijing Wandong Medical Technology;
  • Shanghai FTZ Fund Management is the fund of the free trade zone investing in the health sector;
  • Investment medical group Shanghai Tianyi Industries Holding which has shares in companies Meinian Onehealth Healthcare, Wandong, and Ciming Health Checkup Management Group;
  • Jiangsu Yuyue Science and Technology Development is the holding company for Jiangsu Yuyue Medical Equipment and Supply;
  • producer and distributor of the Shanghai Kangda Medical Equipment Group iatrotechnics.

According to the statement of Esaote, sale to the company to the specified Chinese investors will allow it to accelerate implementation of plans for growth of business and will open access to the fast-growing Chinese market of medical solutions. It is going to close the transaction at the beginning of 2018.

Under the terms of the agreement, Esaote will work as the independent company with the headquarters in Genoa (Italy) and will save the activity in the field of production, research and development in Italy and Holland. The CEO of the company Karl-Heinz Lumpi will remain at this position.

It is noted that Esaote will extend medical products of the Chinese companies in international markets at which is present.[2]

1982: Foundation of the company

The idea of creation of Esaote company belongs to professor Carlo Castellano. In the late seventies he began to develop the new project for Ansaldo (IRI holding), Genoa, in the field of biomedical electronics which was transformed to Esaote which was founded in 1982.
