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Falcon Private Bank





Falcon Private Bank is the private banking organization in Switzerland which amount of assets of clients reaches 14.6 billion Swiss francs (as of 12/31/2016).

Falcon Private Bank is the private Swiss boutique bank within 50 years specializing in capital management of individuals. Falcon provides financial services to private clients and wealthy families, performing the activity from the headquarters located in Zurich and also from branches in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, London and Luxembourg. Advantages to clients are provided thanks to the fine experience of the company in the investment sphere and also financial reliability and stability supported Swiss with traditions and the state participation in authorized capital.


2019: Start of a cryptopurse with a possibility of cashing in of money

On January 21, 2019 Falcon Private Bank issued the press release in which announced introduction of support of direct translations and storages for separate cryptocurrencies.

According to the message of Swiss Bank, private investors and the investment organizations can now, using "the purses selected with Falcon", to make a transfer in the main cryptocurrencies and also to convert cryptocurrency into paper money. By January, 2019 the bank supports four main cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Ethereum (ETH) and Litecoin (LTC), said in the press release.

Falcon Private Bank Swiss Bank started a cryptopurse with a possibility of cashing in of money

Falcon claims that its blockchain assets of steel "completely suitable as providing", and separate cryptocurrencies were included in the status report on bank assets and in tax reports.

The bank also mentions the in the press release "the unique solution for reliability assurance" which guarantees safety of digital assets. A system has the multilevel protection covering hardware and the software and also processes of transactions. According to the company, specially attracted third parties to check of this Falcon technology. The bank also guarantees that its services in the field of cryptocurrencies completely meet national standards in the field of counteraction of legalization of income gained in the criminal way and awareness on the client.

Falcon Private Bank for the first time got permission to asset management on the basis of technology of a blockchain in July, 2017 after approval by the Swiss service on supervision of financial markets (FINMA).

Falcon showed the professionalism in the field of digital assets, having integrated traditional banking services with the innovative finance solutions — the CEO of Falcon Private Bank Martin Keller commented.[1]
