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Far Eastern Polyethylene Pipe Plant (DVZPT)




2024: Start-up of polyethylene pipe plant for water supply and gas distribution systems

In early September 2024, the production of polyethylene pipes for water supply and gas distribution systems was officially opened in Khabarovsk. Sibur became a partner of the Far Eastern Polyethylene Pipe Plant (DVZPT), which guaranteed the supply of the necessary raw materials - polyethylene - on special commercial conditions. The total volume of investments and the scale of the project correspond to the strategy for the development of industrial potential of the Far Eastern Federal District (FEFD), Sibur reported without specifying numbers.

Earlier, Sibur and DVZPT signed a memorandum of cooperation, according to which Sibur assumed obligations to provide the new plant with raw materials. The partnership was a key condition for the economic feasibility of the project, which now provides the production of pipes with a diameter of 110 to 450 mm. This solution allows us to meet the growing demand for polymer products in the region, in particular from the construction and housing and communal services segments.

source = Sibur
Sibur launched a polyethylene pipe plant in Khabarovsk

Sibur is implementing a special program in the Far Eastern Federal District to support manufacturers of synthetic materials - Investment Fast and Furious. The program is aimed at expanding capacities and developing new industries in key industries. Thanks to this initiative, already in 2023, additional production capacities of 8.5 thousand tons were installed in the region, and by the end of 2024 it is planned to commission another 6 thousand tons of capacity.

The polyethylene pipe market in the Far Eastern District is showing a high level of growth. At the end of 2022, the consumption of polyethylene pipes was about 20 thousand tons in polymer weight, but it is expected that by 2027 demand will increase by more than 2.5 times. This growth is due to the implementation of large infrastructure projects, including in the field of housing and communal services, which are actively supported at the regional level.

According to the press service of Sibur, in 2023 the consumption of polymers in the Far Eastern Federal District increased by 14%, which reflects the high topics of development of the region and the demand for synthetic materials. The share of imports has halved.

