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Fidbek Feedback




  • AO RNKO of Fidbek - the accounting non-bank credit institution with the authorized capital of 90 million rubles registered as the operator of electronic money.
  • The main specialization of the company – service of clearing bank for payment services within 161-FZ and also for legitimization of the "grey" payment services which are not registered in the Russian Federation.
  • Fidbek also offers AO RNKO White Label for large Internet platforms for the organization of full-fledged internal payment system.


The Central Bank revoked the licenses from NPO of Fidbek

Since June 19 the Bank of Russia revoked a license for banking operations from JSC Accounting Non-bank Credit Institution Fidbek (Moscow).

"Business of credit institution is almost completely focused on carrying out "shadow" currency exchange transactions. At the same time Fidbek actively evaded from procedures of mandatory control of transactions and identification of the clients stipulated by the legislation in the field of counteraction of legalization (washing) of income gained in the criminal way and to terrorism financing", says the regulator.

At the same time measures of the Bank of Russia for suppression of similar transactions did not lead to correction of activity of credit institution. Moreover, in its activity signs of systematic implementation of transactions without their reflection in accounting and the reporting are revealed. "These circumstances demonstrated lack of intentions of the management and owners of the joint-stock company to perform actions for normalization of activity of credit institution" — the Central Bank emphasizes.

In Fidbeka the temporary administration until appointment of the receiver or the liquidator is appointed. Powers of executive bodies of credit institution according to federal laws are suspended.

According to the Bank of Russia, for June 1 of the current year on the value of assets this credit institution took the 571st place in a banking system of the Russian Federation. Fidbek is not a participant of deposit insurance system.

Agreement of c Unistream

At the beginning of a year joint-stock company accounting non-bank credit institution of Fidbek (JSC RNKO Fidbek) signed the agreement with joint-stock company commercial bank Unistream (JSC CB Unistream) on which the last has an opportunity to provide money transfer services in the operational cash desks out of point of sale (OCDOPS) in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

AO RNKO of Fidbek locates in Moscow 54 OKVKU where offers along with services in compliance with the license granted by the Central Bank of Russia, now and carrying out money transfers Unistream. To St. Petersburg JSC CB Unistream will grow in addition 14 offices OKVKU. By estimates of specialists of the company, it is good indicators of increase in points of customer service Unistream.

Konstantin Soklakov, the vice chairman of the board AO RNKO of Fidbek notes: "The agreement on cooperation of AO RNKO of Fidbek with a money transfer system Unistream gives an additional incentive for development to both companies. On the one hand, we, acting as one of market leaders of operational cash desks out of point of sale, we offer the developed OKVKU network and, respectively, we expand service area of clients for Unistream; with another - we have an opportunity to considerably increase the number of money transfers in the cash desks. In addition to practical benefit, we receive the famous partner who is famous for stable and reliable system operation of money transfers". According to Mr. Soklakov, Unistream, under the terms of the agreement, provides the most advantageous conditions to the clients for commission of money transfers. Also K. Soklakov predicts more, than 50% growth of number of money transfers in OKVKA AO RNKO of Fidbek in relation to this indicator for the end of 2016.