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Баннер в шапке 2

Finance Media




+ Finance Media

2014: Liquidation of the company

The organization was liquidated on June 17, 2014.


Russian publishing house specializing in providing information products for the financial sector. The company's website operated at


Finance Media was the publisher of:

  • Banking Technologies magazine is the oldest specialized periodical for banks. The magazine has been published since the mid-1990s and is recognized as the most authoritative source of information on the banking automation market.

  • magazine "World of Cards" (since 1996), which talks about the market of non-cash payments, payment systems, organizational and information technologies in the field of retail finance.

In addition to periodicals, the company publishes books and brochures on banking business problems, analytical studies of banking automation market segments, catalogs and reference literature.

In 2011, over 50 leading companies offering solutions, products and services in the banking market are regular advertisers and partners of Finance Media publications.

Workshops and Conferences

In addition to thematic seminars "Finance Media" large conferences are held.

  • February 2008 - II practical conference "Outsourcing in Banking Business,"
  • August 2008 - III International Conference "Bank Cards: Efficient Business."

The Association of Regional Banks of Russia (Association "Russia"), which unites the vast majority of banking practitioners, has become a permanent partner in the field of public events.

The company organizes corporate scientific, practical and representative events (seminars, forums, conferences) for IT industry companies operating in the financial and related markets.

Finance Media provides qualified services for the thematic content of the program, for collecting the target audience necessary for the customer, as well as for organizing coverage of the event in specialized banking publications, etc.

The complex of services of Finance Media in the field of corporate events includes:

  • Pre-event marketing
  • Selection and preparation of the venue, design of conference rooms and other premises
  • Development, design and production of all information and representative materials (folders, packages, notebooks, pens, posters, information plates, badges, etc.)
  • Full technical support of the event
  • Admission, registration and registration of participants
  • Transfer
  • Catering
  • Entertainment and leisure activities

The clients of Finance Media in the field of organizing corporate events were companies such as Citrix Systems and OLLY Group.

Creative marketing

Corporate gifts are one way to establish personal emotional contact. Finance Media offers a full range of services for organizing congratulatory campaigns - from the development of the concept of a gift, to its manufacture and packaging.

Comprehensive promotion

The success of even the most successful IT developments in the banking market depends on how timely, accurate and targeted information about them is communicated to potential consumers. IT solutions for banks are complex customized products, usually focused on very narrow target niches.

Finance Media provides clients with a full range of services to organize the promotion of products and services in the banking sector:

  • specialized publications,
  • social and corporate events,
  • direct address mailings,
  • telemarketing.