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Баннер в шапке 2



Russian telegram channel about conflict zones around the world.


Rybar's media school opened in the Balkans

The Rybar team spent a week in April 2024 in Serbia and the Republika Srpska.

Here is how the goals and results of the trip participants themselves were described:

"We educated, we talked, we explained how to create and maintain Telegram channels, form grids from them, distribute the right content and fight disinformation (especially in the context of promoting the cult of Srebrenica).

We met with different people: students, journalists, politicians and researchers.

Our goal is to show that you can do Twitter without/X, Facebook and. Instagram That experience Russia in information struggle can and should be taken into account. That Telegram is the platform that allows you to do this.

Here are some statistics:

  • closed lectures by Mikhail Zvinchuk were attended by over 500 people;
  • under personal support, Rybar's team took over 10 bright and promising projects;
  • agreements were reached on holding regular face-to-face master classes with the involvement of authors of Russian Telegram channels.

For a long time we studied the approaches of the West in waging an information war against us. The moment has come to apply our knowledge and train our associates in the right approaches and attract them to Telegram.

The Balkans are just the beginning. "

In addition to explaining why Telegram journalists need, Mikhail Zvinchuk @ rybar explained the intricacies of information warfare and gave interviews.

More than 50 people participate in the development of the channel

As of February 2024, more than 50 people are working on the development of the Rybar channel.

2018: Mikhail Zvinchuk and Denis Shchukin create a channel about the wars in Syria and Iraq

On February 10, 2018, an information resource was created about the wars in Syria and Iraq. Mikhail Zvinchuk and Denis Shchukin started this project together.