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The GNU/Linuxcenter began the activity in 2000 as the publisher of free software products and the online store distributing the open source in Russia. Now the GNU/Linuxcenter, except the edition and distribution of the free software, is engaged in developments of solutions based on Open Source, implementation and technical support of Open Source and also the edition of the Linux Format magazine and specialized literature. 4 offices — in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod and Vladivostok, more than 300 thousand clients — physical persons and legal entities work for the company, use products and services of GNU/Linuxcenter. Among customers of GNU/Linuxcenter there are federal agencies, government institutions, business companies, the GNU/Linuxcenter cooperates with such market leaders as IBM, Intel, ASUS, Sun Microsystems, Aquarius, etc.


The Meson.Py group was founded in the spring of 2000 in St. Petersburg. Main activities Meson.Py: development of the open code (companies Gnu/Linuxcenter, Mandriva.Py, the Linux Format magazine), implementation and promotion of the open source and solutions based on Open Source, implementation of end-to-end systems of information security (the Meson Integration), development of Internet radio, development of Internet content, developing and useful to children (the project the TYRNET-detsky Internet) and educational roboplatforms and laboratories (ScratchDuino project).

Important part of activity of GNU/Linuxcenter in the field of development of infrastructure of support of Open Source is educational activity within which:

  • a number of special conferences and seminars on Open Source within the IT exhibitions and forums in many regions of Russia is held, besides, GNU/Linuxcenter also InstallFest-ov (mini-seminars at which each listener using organizers can install GNU/Linux on the notebook), with enthusiasm picked up by community put tradition of holding master classes in Open Source,
  • since 2005 the Russian magazine Linux Format is issued, 62 numbers are issued,
  • together with publishing house BHV-St. Petersburg is published literature according to the open source (Gimp, Blender,, Mandriva Linux, etc.), 10 books available in most the Russian bookstores are published,
  • in open access to the Internet rates for preparation for examination of Linux Professional Institute are published in Russian.

The GNU/Linuxcenter gives a lot of attention to the partnership with educational and public institutions directed to expansion and simplification of use of Open Source in education and state structures:

  • together with publishing house "BINOMIAL. The laboratory of knowledge" goes 2 years the Free Education project which essence consists in free training of teachers of institutes of advanced training of educators to the free software. Within the project in 28 regions of the Russian Federation based on IPKRO the centers of support of Open Source at schools which actively work within the project of transition of the Russian schools to Open Source are created, training teachers in skills of use and teaching Open Source at schools,
  • based on the highest and average special educational institutions Competence Centers of GNU/Linux which involve students in process of exploration and development of the free software open and also transfer the educational institutions to the free software, about 30 centers are opened,
  • The GNU/Linuxcenter signs strategic agreements on development of infrastructure of the free software with the Government of Saint Petersburg and the government of the Omsk region. Also work with Federal Antimonopoly Service is conducted.

Projects on implementation of Open Source

According to 2009, revenue of GNU/Linuxcenter increased by 20% that in the conditions of the general recession in the market of ICT shows growth of demand of the products and services connected with Open Source. The biggest growth the direction "showed GNU/Linuxcenter. Implementation", engaged in development, implementation and support of solutions based on Open Source, carrying out migration of the organizations on Open Source, development of portals based on Open Source. Among the most significant projects there are divisions "GNU/Linuxcenter. Implementation" - the works performed for such customers as the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, the Federal agency on information technologies, the Ministry of Finance of the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic, the government of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, the Committee on Youth Policy and Interaction with Non-Governmental Organizations of St. Petersburg, SPC Mepmeyker LLC, EMAG group, network of computer shops "the KEY Computer center, the Morion plant.

Free hardware

2 years ago in the field of the interests of GNU/Linuxcenter, except the open source also the free hardware appeared. Development of this direction in Russia is especially important since will promote acceleration of recovery of the microelectronic industry of our country. The GNU/Linuxcenter advances free microelectronics of Arduino and the free OpenMoko smartphones in Russia and encourages the Russian enterprises to make the free hardware. Already 3 companies in Russia arranged production and sale of the free microcontrollers similar to Arduino.

Plans for the future

In the next 10 years the GNU/Linuxcenter is going to invest in training of developers of Open Source in Russia who at the moment are not enough. Training programs and rates will be developed for developers and software architects for universities and training centers and the corresponding literature is published. Also will stimulate development of free projects in Russia and participation of the Russian developers in the international projects. For this purpose since 2009 the Linux Format magazine with assistance of leaders of Open Source companies and Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation holds the annual competition "The Best Free Project of Russia". In 2009 within this tender more than 100 free projects developed mainly by developers from Russia and the CIS countries were revealed, however this number is not enough in comparison with the number of free developments of programmers from other developed countries therefore to us is where to develop.

Also GNU/Linuxcenter cooperation with producers of the hardware for the purpose of increase in number of the computers which are on sale from the preset GNU/Linux OS will develop. Works in this direction are already conducted together with Intel corporation and its partners, Aquarius company and others.

The important role in activity of GNU/Linuxcenter will still be occupied by work with government institutions, as in respect of assistance to development and adoption of the laws and regulating documents contributing to the development of Open Source in the country and in respect of transfer of government institutions and state corporations on the free software.

In respect of own developments, the GNU/Linuxcenter plans further developments of standard project solutions for the different purposes based on Open Source and also development of the direction cloud and virtual IT infrastrukur the enterprises.