Gilat Network Systems
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2024: Shutdown of activities in Russia
At the end of May, 2024 the Israeli company Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd. stopped deliveries to the Russian market. Thus, the last global producer of the land equipment for networks of the fixed satellite communication leaves the Russian Federation.
2018: Plans to localize the production of VSAT terminals in Russia
On October 5, 218, Gilat announced that it plans to produce VSAT terminals in Russia under a contract with Gazprom Space Systems. This was told by the representative of Gilat Moses Shimson.
According to Moses Shimson, Gilat is already working on different options for the production of terminals in Russia. And now this has become possible, since Gazprom Space Systems has chosen Gilat technology to operate in the Ka-band of its Yamal-601 satellite, the launch of which is scheduled for February 2019.
Shimson also said that Gilat is considering the possibility of producing central stations (hubs) and servers in Russia, but no final decision has yet been made on this issue. He stressed that Gilat has every opportunity to implement such an initiative.[1]