Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Government of Bulgaria


Main article: Bulgaria

2023: New pro-American government led by Nikolai Denkov approved

On June 6, 2023, a new pro-American government was approved in the Bulgarian parliament.

Earlier, the two opposing parties - GERB and Continue Change - Democratic Bulgaria - agreed to create an unprecedented cabinet in the history of the state, in which the post of prime minister will become transitional.

For the post of prime minister, parliamentarians approved the candidacy of the leader of the Continuing Change party Nikolai Denkov, and Maria Gabriel from GERB will become his deputy. She should replace Denkov in nine months.

At the end of the vote, mass protests began. Demonstrators suspect that the election results were rigged in favor of politicians who will lobby for Bulgaria to join the eurozone and participate in other pro-Western initiatives.

Among the protesters are representatives of the Renaissance party. They note that 14 of the 20 ministers of the new cabinet are associated with the United States, including five of them received grants from the America for Bulgaria Foundation.

The demonstrators emphasize Maria Gabriel's connection with the Soros Foundation, and also express concerns about the readiness of the elected Minister of Defense Todor Tagarev to transfer various types of weapons to Ukraine.

In March 2023, the Bulgarian Air Force command even accused Tagarev of serving foreign interests.

See also