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Баннер в шапке 2

Group BTC


Revenue millions Ths. rub


+ Group BTC

Performance indicators

In 2012, BTK Group OJSC became the only supplier of clothing property for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation by order of the government - in that year the company's revenue increased by almost one and a half times, to 6.2 billion rubles, net profit quadrupled, to 582.6 million rubles. In the fall of 2012, the owner of the company Taimuraz Bolloyev said that the annual order of the military would provide the company with 85% of the capacity utilization and exceed 12 billion rubles.

In 2013, according to the company's reports, revenue amounted to 21.4 billion rubles, and net profit - 1.53 billion rubles[1].


2009: Victory in the tender for sewing a new uniform for the Russian army

Cooperation between BTK Group and the Ministry of Defense began in 2009, when the company won a tender for sewing a new uniform for the Russian military. The decision to create a new uniform was made by former Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov in 2007.

2010: Sole provider of parades and alumni uniforms

Since 2010, BTK Group has become the only supplier of military uniforms for military personnel participating in parades, as well as for graduates of higher professional educational institutions. formations Ministry of Defence Russia

2014: Courts with the Ministry of Defence

In May 2014, it became known that the Ministry of Defense of Russia for two years of cooperation with the only supplier of clothing property for the army - the company Taimuraz Bolloyev "BTK Group" - filed more than 15 lawsuits in the amount of about 3.4 billion rubles. According to information posted in the file of arbitration cases, the most claims are in 2012, when the company received the status of a single supplier. According to experts, with the arrival of the head of defense Sergei Shoigu, the ministry became more demanding on the time of execution of contracts and the quality of the goods supplied.

Almost all the claims of the Ministry of Defense against BTK Group are related to the breakdown of the deadlines for the implementation of the state order. There are also claims for the supply of goods of inadequate quality - in particular, in 2013, the Ministry of Defense did not arrange women's demi-season cloaks in the amount of 300 pieces for 1.5 million rubles. According to representatives of the Ministry of Defense, the goods did not meet the technical conditions and quality control model.

According to Anastasia Podkovko, head of the judicial and arbitration practice department of the Pleshakov, Ushkalov and Partners law firm, the defendant must pay the money recovered from the court after the adoption of the judicial act of appeal - unless the defendant, together with the cassation appeal, submits an application for suspension of the execution of the court's decision and such an application is satisfied by the court. In May 2014, nine cases passed the appellate line (conflicts did not reach the Supreme Arbitration Court). According to two of them, the plaintiff's claims were completely denied; for the remaining seven BTK groups, she paid about 146.3 million rubles. The rest of the cases are still being considered.

The press service of BTK Group told Izvestia that the claims from the Ministry of Defense are considered in the company as a working component.

- The possibility of applying to arbitration is a civilized practice of resolving controversial issues between the customer and the supplier, so we consider claims from the Ministry of Defense as a working component, - they say in BTK Group. - As the only supplier of clothing property, the company supplies a very large number of different products to the department, sometimes, for example, in a limited time. For its part, BTK Group makes every effort to fulfill all requirements under contracts and minimize the risks of disputes.

President of the Russian Union of Textile and Light Industry Entrepreneurs Andrei Razbrodin noted that often government agencies independently disrupt payment deadlines, which affects the work of suppliers.

- Of course, enterprises should be responsible for quality and compliance with deadlines, but according to the experience of working with government agencies, I can say that often payment occurs with a delay. Then the contractor is forced to take loans, which increases the final cost of products and reduces the efficiency of working with the state order, says Razbrodin.

At the same time, the expert points out that, despite the difficulties encountered in fulfilling the state order, BTK Group brought the localization of production to almost 80% from the existing 30%. In addition, the company actively attracts industry enterprises to the state order.

- BTC Group, having the status of a single supplier, acts as a market structure in the distribution of the order, - explains Razbrodin. - In fact, this is wrong, since the company can operate under current conditions at its own discretion. Relations with the Ministry of Defense should be more regulated, otherwise such a policy will lead to monopolization. If not now, then in the future this process is inevitable. In turn, monopolization means a decrease in quality and failure to meet deadlines - in other words, the monopolist acts as it benefits him[1]

According to Razbrodin, to correct the current situation with the breakdown of deadlines, it is necessary to create a structure in the Ministry of Defense that would coordinate the state order more clearly.
