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Gulliver and Co. Gulliver Trading House





+ Gulliver and Co Trading House (Gulliver Group)

CJSC Trading House Gulliver & Co was founded in 1997. The main business of the company is the production and sale of children's clothing.

CJSC Trading House Gulliver & Co is one of the largest distributors of children's goods in Russia.



As of June 2021, Gulliver Group of Companies includes the Gulliver supermarket chain, the Pobeda retail chain, represented in 26 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as office divisions, 2 logistics centers, 1 motor transport enterprise, and its own production of Factory Kitchen.


As of December 2021, the company is represented in the cities: St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Rostov-on-Don, Novosibirsk, Samara, as well as in the Republic of Belarus and Kazakhstan. There is a distributor in Ukraine.

TAdviser interview

In December 2017, Evgeny Tyurin, Director of the Business Administration Department of Gulliver & Co., spoke in an interview with TAdviser about the introduction of ERP systems from 1C and the main results of this project in the company.